McDonald Observatory

Need Some More Ytterbium? Who Doesn’t? Here’s Where you can Find it in Space

Looking to do some mining in space? Need a little Ytterbium on your next flight through the galaxy? Researchers have…

2 years ago

A Nearby Dwarf Galaxy has a Surprisingly Massive Black Hole in its Heart

New research from UT Austin shows that dwarf galaxies - like our neighbor, Leo I - also have massive black…

3 years ago

Supermassive Black Holes can Turn Star Formation On and Off in a Large Galaxy

A new study by a team of international astronomers has provided the first direct evidence that supermassive black holes affect…

7 years ago

Uranus’ “Frankenstein Moon” Miranda

Ever since the Voyager space probes ventured into the outer Solar System, scientists and astronomers have come to understand a…

9 years ago

Astronomers See a Massive Black Hole Tear a Star Apart

A telescope peers into the blackness of deep space. Suddenly - a brilliant flash of light appears that wasn't there before.…

10 years ago

Effects of Einstein’s Elusive Gravitational Waves Observed

Two white dwarfs similar to those in the system SDSS J065133.338+284423.37 spiral together in this illustration from NASA. Credit: D.…

12 years ago