Mars helicopter

NASA Tests its Next-Generation Mars Helicopter Blades

While NASA’s Ingenuity Mars Helicopter continues to break records for both airspeed and altitude while it explores Jezero Crater on…

1 year ago

Helicopters Could Map the Magnetic Fields on Mars

A recent study published in The Planetary Science Journal examines how helicopters equipped with a magnetometer could be used to…

1 year ago

Mars Helicopter Survives its First Night on Mars is Getting Ready to Fly

NASA's Ingenuity Helicopter survived its first night on the Martian surface and is preparing for its first test flight.

4 years ago

Water Shaped Features on Mars Much Earlier Than Previously Believed

According to a new study, the Perseverance rover could find evidence in Jezero that will allow scientists to reconstruct the…

4 years ago

Here’s How Perseverance’s Helicopter Sidekick Will Deploy on Mars

When NASA’s new Perseverance Martian rover launches in a little over a month it will have a small robotic stow-away…

5 years ago

Mars Helicopter gets a Name: Ingenuity

Flying low over the surface of Mars. Don’t tell me you haven’t dreamed about it, especially with some of the…

5 years ago

Wheels and Helicopter Attached to Perseverance Rover

The Perseverance rover was recently integrated with its wheels and Mars Helicopter, as part of its final preparations before launch…

5 years ago

Mars 2020 Rover Gets its Helicopter Sidekick

Work on the Mars 2020 Rover is heating up as the July/August 2020 launch date approaches. Mission engineers just attached…

5 years ago

NASA is Building Robots That Can Climb Rock and Ice Cliffs

Engineers at NASA JPL are busy developing next-generation robotic missions that will allow astronauts to explore harder-to-reach places in the…

6 years ago

Mars Helicopter Completes More Test Flights. It’s Almost Ready to go to Mars

We've known for some time that NASA is sending a helicopter to Mars. The vehicle, called the Mars Helicopter, is…

6 years ago