magnetic fields

Black Holes Dominate Large Regions of Space, But They’re Mysterious

In the beginning, the Universe was all primordial gas. Somehow, some of it was swept up into supermassive black holes…

3 weeks ago

Webb Sees a Star in the Midst of Formation

Wherever the JWST looks in space, matter and energy are interacting in spectacular displays. The Webb reveals more detail in…

3 weeks ago

Astronomers Have Mapped the Milky Way's Magnetic Fields in 3D

Researchers have developed the first 3D maps of magnetic field structures within a spiral arm of the Milky Way. While…

6 months ago

The Second Most Energetic Cosmic Ray Ever Found

"Oh My God," someone must have said in 1991 when researchers detected the most energetic cosmic ray ever to strike…

8 months ago

Webb’s Infrared Eye Reveals the Heart of the Milky Way

The JWST is taking a break from studying the distant Universe and has trained its infrared eye on the heart…

8 months ago

The Tarantula Nebula Shouldn’t Be Forming Stars. What’s Going On?

The Tarantula Nebula is a star formation region in the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC). Tarantula is about 160,000 light-years away…

1 year ago

These New Computer Simulations of the Sun are Hypnotic

It's almost impossible to over-emphasize the primal, raging, natural power of a star. Our Sun may appear benign in simple…

1 year ago

New Images Reveal the Magnetic Fields in the Horsehead Nebula

A high-school student and an international team of astronomers created the first-ever map of the Horsehead Nebula's magnetic field.

1 year ago

Meteorites Store a Magnetic Memory of the Early Solar System

Magnets are a handy tool for finding meteorites, but they can also erase vital clues about the early solar system.

1 year ago

The Crab Nebula Looks Completely Different in X-Rays, Revealing its Magnetic Fields

An international team of astronomers has created the most accurate map to date of the Crab Nebula's magnetic field, revealing…

1 year ago