lava tubes

Lava Tubes on the Moon and Mars are Really, Really Big. Big Enough to Fit an Entire Planetary Base

Could lava tubes on the Moon and Mars play a role in establishing a human presence on those worlds? Possibly,…

4 years ago

Why Lava Tubes Should be Our Top Exploration Priority on Other Worlds

When magma comes out of the Earth onto the surface, it flows as lava. Those lava flows are fascinating to…

4 years ago

Carnival of Space #558

Welcome to the 558th Carnival of Space! The Carnival is a community of space science and astronomy writers and bloggers,…

6 years ago

Living Underground on Other Worlds. Exploring Lava Tubes

When humans try to live on the Moon and Mars, they’re going to need protection from the harsh environments. Fortunately,…

6 years ago

This Bizarre Image is a 3D Scan of a Cave Network in Spain. This Technology Could be Used to Map Out Lava Tubes on the Moon and Mars

A team that participated in the ESA's Pangaea-X program recently produced the largest 3D image of a cave system in…

6 years ago

How Do We Settle on Mercury?

Though it is not considered as such, Mercury is actually a viable candidate for colonization - if you can get…

8 years ago

There Could Be Lava Tubes on the Moon, Large Enough for Whole Cities

Every year since 1970, astronomers, geologists, geophysicists, and a host of other specialists have come together to participate in the…

9 years ago

What Are These Hollows on Mercury?

Emily Lakdawalla from the planetary society describes one of the mysteries that's currently fascinating her. There are strange structures on…

10 years ago

LRO Takes Closer Look at Moon Caves

As promised, the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter is taking more detailed looks at the lunar pits, or lava tubes that have…

14 years ago