
Interferometry Will Be the Key to Resolving Exoplanets

When it comes to telescopes, bigger really is better. A larger telescope brings with it the ability to see fainter…

3 months ago

Studying Stars from the Lunar Surface with MoonLITE, Courtesy of NASA’s Commercial Lunar Payload Services

Optical interferometry has been a long-proven science method that involves using several separate telescopes to act as one big telescope,…

5 months ago

Artemis Missions Could Put the most Powerful imaging Telescope on the Moon

Ground-based interferometry on Earth has proven to be a successful method for conducting science by combining light from several telescopes…

5 months ago

Could We Detect an Alien Civilization Trying to Warm Their Planet?

Humanity is facing an atmospheric threat of our own device, and our internecine squabbles are hampering our ability to neutralize…

8 months ago

JWST Uses “Interferometry Mode” to Reveal Two Protoplanets Around a Young Star

The JWST is flexing its muscles with its interferometry mode. Researchers used it to study a well-known extrasolar system called…

10 months ago

Can Alien Civilizations Detect Humanity?

One of the fascinating things about being a human in this age is that we can do more than wonder…

1 year ago

Artificial Intelligence Produces a Sharper Image of M87’s Big Black Hole

Astronomers have used machine learning to sharpen up the Event Horizon Telescope's first picture of a black hole --- an…

2 years ago

Are We Entering the Era of Quantum Telescopes?

In a recent study, a team of researchers showed how combining interferometry with quantum principles could lead to quantum telescopes.

2 years ago

Giant Stars and the Ultimate Fate of the Sun

Astronomers have a new tool to help them understand giant stars. It's a detailed study of the precise temperatures and…

3 years ago

A new measurement puts the Sun 2,000 light-years closer to the center of the Milky Way

Ultra-precise measurements of stars in our galaxy put us closer to galactic center than we thought.

4 years ago