Green Bank Telescope

Dead Planets Around White Dwarfs Could Emit Radio Waves We Can Detect, Sending Out Signals for Billions of Years

A new study by a pair of astronomers has shown that planets orbiting white dwarfs will still be emitting radio…

5 years ago

Want to Find Aliens? The Largest Dataset in the History of SETI has Been Released to the Public

Breakthrough Listen has just released their latest analysis of the past three years of their SETI research, as well as…

5 years ago

Breakthrough Detects Repeating Fast Radio Bursts Coming from Distant Galaxy

Using the Green Bank Telescope, researchers with Breakthrough Listen recently detected repeating fast radio bursts coming from a distant galaxy.

7 years ago

Breakthrough Listen Publishes First Analysis Of 692 Stars In ET Search

Breakthrough Listen, the most ambitious SETI program in history, just released an analysis of their first year of data, which…

7 years ago

Watch SETI-Seeking Radio Dishes Dance Across the Universe

Radio dishes always evoke wonder, as these giants search for invisible (to our eyes, anyway) radio signals from objects like…

9 years ago

Hydrogen Clouds Discovered Between Andromeda And Triangulum Galaxies

Score another point for the National Science Foundation's Green Bank Telescope (GBT) at the National Radio Astronomy Observatory (NRAO) in…

11 years ago

‘Ultimate’ Prebiotic Molecules Found in Interstellar Space

The building blocks of life could have their beginnings in the tiny icy grains that make up the gas and…

11 years ago