
What if we’re truly alone?

At least once, you’ve looked up at the night sky and asked the same longstanding question we’ve all asked at…

2 years ago

Galactic Panspermia. How far Could Life Spread Naturally in a Galaxy Like the Milky Way?

Can life spread throughout a galaxy like the Milky Way without technological intervention? That question is largely unanswered. A new…

3 years ago

This galaxy took only 500 million years to form

Galaxies are supposed to build up a very slowly, taking billions of years to acquire their vast bulk. But a…

4 years ago

Gaia has Already Given Us 5 New Insights Into the Milky Way

The European Space Agency launched the Gaia mission in 2013. The mission's overall goal was to discover the history of…

4 years ago

This Is Fascinating. An Image of a Galaxy’s Magnetic Field

There’s always more than one way to look at the world.  There’s also more than one way to look at…

4 years ago

What Is the Name Of Our Galaxy?

Since ancient times, humans have looked up at the bright band in the night sky and called it the Milky…

7 years ago

Weekly Space Hangout – May 26, 2017: Stephen Petranek and How We’ll Live On Mars

Host: Fraser Cain (@fcain) Special Guest: NAT GEO’s Stephen Petranek is the author of How We’ll Live on Mars (TED…

7 years ago

Are There Dark Matter Galaxies? ft. Sarah Pearson from Space with Sarah

We know there’s dark matter, and there are galaxies, but are there galaxies entirely made up of dark matter? Astronomer…

7 years ago

Terzan 5 May Unlock Secret to Milky Way’s Past

A team of astronomers have discovered a globular cluster that stands out as distinct from all others -- a fossil…

8 years ago

18 Billion Solar Mass Black Hole Rotates At 1/3 Speed Of Light

An international team of astronomers recently measured the rotation rate of one of the most massive black holes known ...…

9 years ago