
If We Want To Find Life-Supporting Worlds, We Should Focus on Small Planets With Large Moons

There's no perfect way of doing anything, including searching for exoplanets. Every planet-hunting method has some type of bias. We've…

1 month ago

Toxic Perchlorate on Mars Could Make Life More Interesting

The search for life in the Universe has fascinated humans for centuries. Mars has of course been high on the…

2 months ago

Could Life Exist in Water Droplet Worlds in Venus’ Atmosphere?

It's a measure of human ingenuity and curiosity that scientists debate the possibility of life on Venus. They established long…

4 months ago

Life Might Be Difficult to Find on a Single Planet But Obvious Across Many Worlds

If we could detect a clear, unambiguous biosignature on just one of the thousands of exoplanets we know of, it…

4 months ago

What Can Europa’s Surface Tell Us About the Thickness of Its Ice?

You can tell a lot about a planetary body just by looking at its surface, especially if it has craters.…

4 months ago

Could Earth Life Survive on a Red Dwarf Planet?

Even though exoplanet science has advanced significantly in the last decade or two, we're still in an unfortunate situation. Scientists…

4 months ago

Cyborg Jellyfish Could Help Explore Oceans Autonomously

Earth's oceans are—like space—a largely unexplored frontier. Relatively few humans have explored either place, using specialized life-support equipment. Unlike space,…

5 months ago

Juno Measures How Much Oxygen is Being Produced by Europa

If the periodic table listed the elements in order of their importance to life, then oxygen might bully its way…

5 months ago

Cosmic Dust Could Have Helped Get Life Going on Earth

The early Earth didn't have many chemicals needed for life on its surface, but they were present in asteroids and…

5 months ago

Dying Stars Could Have Completely New Habitable Zones

Aging stars that become red giants increase their luminosity and can wreak havoc on planets that were once in the…

5 months ago