
Rise Of The Super Telescopes: The Wide Field Infrared Survey Telescope

When the WFIRST observatory comes online in the mid 2020s, it will take images 100 times larger than the Hubble.

7 years ago

Kamikaze Comet Loses its Head

Like coins, most comet have both heads and tails. Occasionally, during a close passage of the Sun, a comet's head will…

9 years ago

Making Cubesats do Astronomy

One doesn't take two cubesats and rub them together to make static electricity. Rather, you send them on a brief space voyage…

10 years ago

Could An Amateur Astronomer Snap a Picture of an Exoplanet?

[/caption] Using their backyard telescope, today? No; however, this image of three exoplanets required just 1.5 meters (diameter; 60 inches)…

14 years ago