Comet Lovejoy

The Dark Energy Camera has Captured a Million Images, an Eighth of the Entire sky. Here are Some of its Best Pictures so far

The Dark Energy Survey recently released 15 images that showcase the types of objects it viewed during the six-year campaign.

2 years ago

Dark Energy Camera Takes Accidental Gigantic, Magnificent Picture of Comet Lovejoy

Oops! In a happy accident, Comet Lovejoy just happened to be in the field of view of the 570-megapixel Dark…

9 years ago

Without the Moon, Comet Lovejoy is Magnificent

With the Moon rising later in the evening this weekend, astrophotographers have taken some spectacular pictures of Comet 2014 Q2…

9 years ago

Comet Lovejoy Now at its Brightest: Images from Around the World

Last night was the first time I was able to spot Comet Lovejoy with unaided eyes. The latest images from…

10 years ago

Weekly Space Hangout – Jan 9, 2015: Andy Weir of “The Martian”

Host: Fraser Cain (@fcain) Special Guest: Andy Weir , author of "The Martian" Andy was first hired as a programmer…

10 years ago

If You Can Find Orion, You Can Find Comet Lovejoy

Comet Lovejoy (2014 Q2) is now visible in the night sky, and while you'll need binoculars or a low-power telescope…

10 years ago

Comet Finlay in Bright Outburst, Visible in Small Telescopes

Short-period comet 15P/Finlay, which had been plunking along at a dim magnitude +11, has suddenly brightened in the past couple days…

10 years ago

Lovejoy and X1 LINEAR: How to See Comets That Will Warm Up Your Mid-Winter Mornings

My hands are still cold from the experience, but there's no denying the pleasure I felt at seeing C/2013 R1…

11 years ago

Comet Tourism Flight Trades ISON For Lovejoy

When Comet ISON entered its zombie stage a few weeks ago, the effects were not only felt in the astronomical…

11 years ago

Virtual Star Party – November 24, 2013: Comets and More!

Hosts: Fraser Cain, Scott Lewis Astronomers: Bill McLaughlin, David Dickinson, Tom Nathe, Mike Phillips Viewing: M103, Cocoon Nebula, Comet Lovejoy,…

11 years ago