carbon monoxide

A Star Became 1,000 Times Brighter, and Now Astronomers Know Why

Astronomers were surprised in 1937 when a star in a binary pair suddenly brightened by 1,000 times. The pair is…

4 months ago

Seeing the Moment Planets Start to Form

Nature makes few duplicates, and planets are as distinct from one another as snowflakes are. But planets all start out…

11 months ago

Is it Life, or is it Volcanoes?

Astronomers are working hard to understand biosignatures and how they indicate life's presence on an exoplanet. But each planet we…

11 months ago

If a Planet Has a Lot of Methane in its Atmosphere, Life is the Most Likely Cause

The ultra-powerful James Webb Space Telescope will launch soon. Once it's deployed, and in position at the Earth-Sun Lagrange Point…

4 years ago

Giant Planet May Be Lurking In ‘Poisonous’ Gas Around Beta Pictoris

A Saturn-mass planet might be lurking in the debris surrounding Beta Pictoris, new measurements of a debris field around the…

10 years ago

More Surprises From Pluto

[/caption] Ah, Pluto. Seems every time we think we've got it figured out, it has a new surprise to throw…

13 years ago