bright comets

A Fine Southern Apparition for Comet T4 Lemmon

The time to catch Comet T4 Lemmon is now, before it vanishes for another 36,000 years.

1 year ago

Comet F3 NEOWISE May Perform in July

Watch for comet C/2020 F3 NEOWISE at dusk in late July... if it survives perihelion.

4 years ago

2018 Prospects for Obscure Comet 38P Stephan-Oterma

Ready for one more? While all eyes are still following Comet 21/P Giacobini-Zinner as it glides through northern hemisphere skies,…

6 years ago

Catch Comet C/2017 S3 PanSTARRS in Outburst

Comets are one of those great question marks in observational astronomy. Though we can plot their orbits thanks to Newton…

6 years ago

Comet Encke Reemerges in the Dawn Sky

Miss out on Comet 45/P Honda-Mrkos-Padadušáková last month? We'll admit, it was fairly underwhelming in binoculars... but fear not, there's…

7 years ago

Tales (Tails?) of Two Comets: Prospects for Q1 PanSTARRS & G2 MASTER

Did you catch the performance of Comet C/2014 Q2 Lovejoy earlier this year? Every year provides a few sure bets…

9 years ago

Get Out Your Comet Scorecards: Comet Nevski Now Visible With Binoculars

Is 2013 truly the “Year of the Comet?” Perhaps “Comets” might be a better term, as no less than five…

11 years ago

How to See This Season’s “Other” Comet: 2P/Encke

2013 may well go down as “The Year of the Comet.” After over a decade punctuated by only sporadic bright…

11 years ago