How dating an ancient text revealed one of the oldest observations of aurora known.
Vivid green and purple aurora swirled and danced across the entire night sky in Sweden recently. The nighttime light show…
Auroras come in many shapes and sizes. Jupiter is well known for its spectacular complement of bright polar lights, which…
X-rays offer a unique insight into the astronomical world. Invisible to the naked eye, most commonly they are thought of…
A brown dwarf has been detected by a radio telescope, which opens a new way to discover them.
The ESA's Rosetta mission to Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko ended four years ago. On September 30th 2016 the spacecraft was directed into…
I forget the Sun is a star. I think we all do sometimes. It’s easy to take for granted. The…
A Canadian photographer captures a hot river of glowing gas so peculiar that no one knew at first what it…
French astronomers discover the brightest auroras on Uranus ever seen, and they look ... weird.
Not only is it aurora season in Alaska, its sounding rocket season! NASA started launching a series of five sounding…