Star Formation

Astronomers Count all the Photons in the Universe. Spoiler Alert: 4,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 Photons

Imagine yourself in a boat on a great ocean, the water stretching to the distant horizon, with the faintest hints…

6 years ago

We May Soon Be Able To See the First, Supergiant Stars in the Universe

We need to talk about the dark ages. No, not those dark ages after the fall of the western Roman Empire.…

6 years ago

Supermassive Black Holes can Turn Star Formation On and Off in a Large Galaxy

A new study by a team of international astronomers has provided the first direct evidence that supermassive black holes affect…

6 years ago

Saturn Rides Bareback On The Galactic Dark Horse

Yippy-ki-yay! Saturn rides the back of a prancing pony across the evening sky. See it the next clear night.

7 years ago

The Sun Probably Lost a Binary Twin Billions of Years Ago

According to a new study by a research team from UC Berkeley and Harvard, our Sun may have had a…

7 years ago

Into The Submillimeter: The Early Universe’s Formation

A new study of distant, early galaxies helps us understand the early days of our Universe.

7 years ago

Terzan 5 May Unlock Secret to Milky Way’s Past

A team of astronomers have discovered a globular cluster that stands out as distinct from all others -- a fossil…

8 years ago

Most ‘Outrageous’ Luminous Galaxies Ever Observed

A team of astronomers have discovered 8 of the brightest galaxies ever observed. And their luminosity could tell us a…

8 years ago

Distant Stellar Nurseries: This Time, in High Definition

This article is a guest post by Anna Ho, who is currently doing research on stars in the Milky Way…

9 years ago

Solved: The Riddle of the Nova of 1670

It is a 17th century astronomical enigma that has persisted right up until modern times. On June 20, 1670, a new…

9 years ago