X-Ray Satellite Discovers Overlooked Nova

Novae are kind of a big deal in the Universe, so you’d think that when one occurred we would notice, especially if it were visible to the naked eye. A star that exploded in June of 2007 in the constellation of Puppis, though, slipped by the network of professional and amateur astronomers that are dedicated to watching the skies for novel stars. Luckily, the orbiting X-ray telescope XMM-Newton just happened to be observing the area, and discovered the nova that everyone else had missed.

The satellite XMM-Newton is creating a survey of X-ray sources in the Universe, and on October 9, 2007 while turning from one target to another, it passed over a bright source of X-rays that was unexpected. The science team checked over their catalog of previously known X-ray sources in the area, but the only object with that location was the faint star USNO-A2.0 0450-03360039.

Andy Read of the University of Leicester and Richard Saxton of ESA’s European Space Astronomy Centre (ESAC), Spain quickly alerted other astronomers of the finding via the internet. Astronomers at the Magellan-Clay telescope at Las Campanas Observatory in Chile used their 6.5 meter telescope to analyze the light coming from the star and found that it had brightened by more than a factor of 600.

Saxton contacted the All-Sky Automated Survey, an automated survey of millions of stars, and found that the star went nova on June 5th, 2007. The nova has been given the shorter name of V598 Puppis, and had anyone been looking closely – even with the naked eye – at the constellation of Puppis on June 5th of 2007, they would have noticed the star brighten.

The image here shows V598 Puppis in the visible spectrum on the left, and in the X-ray on the right.

Novae of this type occur when a white dwarf, which is a smaller and more compact star, consumes material from a companion star, puffing it up. The nuclear processes in the star begin a runaway reaction after a certain amount of material is consumed, and it explodes violently.

What is curious about the case of V598 Puppis is that X-rays are only released from a nova after visible light. The expanding cloud of dust and debris from the initial explosion blocks most of the X-rays from being released. In the case of most other novae and supernovae, the discovery is made by a visible light telescope, then followed up by telescopes in the other spectra.

Source: ESA Press Release

Largest Asteroid in the Solar System

Asteroid Vesta. Image credit: Hubble

[/caption]The largest asteroid in the Solar System is 4 Vesta. Ceres is much more massive, but has been promoted to dwarf planet status, leaving Vesta the largest asteroid. Ceres and Vesta will be orbited and studied by the Dawn spacecraft.

Vesta was first discovered on March 29, 1807 by Heinrich Wilhelm Olbers. The asteroid measures 578 km by 458 km and has a mass of 2.67 x 1020 kg. It has a magnitude of +5.4 to +8.5 and can be easily observed with binoculars on a clear night. It has been seen with the unaided eye on several occasions. Vesta rotates on its axis every 5.342 hours and has an axial tilt of 29º. Temperatures on the surface range from a frigid -188ºC (85 K) to -18ºC (255 K). Hubble images have revealed ancient lava flows. This is a direct contradiction of the belief that asteroids are simple cold, dead rocks floating in space. There is a gigantic impact basin so deep that it exposes the asteroid’s mantle at the South pole. The mantle is thought to be 10 km below the asteroid’s surface.

Several NASA scientists have concluded that Vesta is the parent body of many meteorites. That means that we have parts of only five celestial bodies here on Earth: Earth(obviously), the Moon, Mars, Vesta, and the comet Wild 2. Vesta is the parent body of the eucrite meteorite group. The group formed approximately 4.56 billion years ago. Many of them metamorphosed to temperatures up to 800° C and were brecciated and heated by large impacts into the parent body surface. The less common basaltic, unbrecciated eucrites also formed near the surface, but presumably escaped later brecciation. The cumulate eucrites formed at a depth where metamorphism may have persisted for an undetermined amount of time. These meteorites may have originated from the large impact at the south pole of the asteroid.

The Dawn mission is designed to be the first spacecraft to orbit two non-Earth objects. It arrived in orbit around Vesta on July 15, 2011. It will study the largest asteroid in the Solar System for about a year before leaving orbit for Ceres in 2012. Vesta was chosen as a destination because of its unique qualities. It accounts for 9% of the mass in the main asteroid belt and it is an evolved object(has a mantle, core, and crust). NASA scientists fully expect to make several interesting discoveries from the study of Vesta. Be sure to check back later for updates.

Here’s an article about how Vesta formed fast and early in the Solar System, and some Hubble images of the asteroid.

Here’s more on Vesta from Solar Views, and some images from NASA.

We have recorded a whole series of podcasts about the Solar System at Astronomy Cast. Check them out here.


Olympus Mons: The Largest Volcano in the Solar System

Olympus Mons from Orbit
Olympus Mons from orbit. Credit: NASA

The largest volcano in the Solar System and the largest mountain in the Solar System are one in the same: Olympus Mons on Mars.

Olympus Mons is a shield volcano that towers to an amazing 26 km. That makes it 3 times the height of Mt. Everest. Unlike Everest, Olympus Mons has a very gentle slope. It is up to 550 km at its base. The edge of the volcano’s base is marked by a basal cliff that is 6 km high in some places, but has been eradicated by the overflow of lava in the Martian past.

Olympus Mons is the result of many thousands of basaltic lava flows. The extraordinary size of the volcano has been attributed to the lack of tectonic plate movement on the planet. The lack of movement allows the Martian crust to remain fixed in place over a magma hotspot allowing repeated, large lava flows. Many of these flows have levees along their edges. The cooler, outer margins of the flow solidify, forming the levees and leaving a central trough of molten, flowing lava. In images of the volcano you can see partially collapsed lava tubes seen as chains of pit craters. Broad lava fans formed by lava emerging from intact, subsurface tubes are easily visible as well. Some areas along the volcano’s base show lava flows spilling out into the surrounding plains, forming broad aprons, which are burying the basal escarpment. Crater counts taken by the high resolution images returned by the Mars Express spacecraft in 2004 seem to show that flows on the northwestern flank range in age from 2 million years old to 115 million years old. Since these flows are geologically young, it may indicate that the volcano is still active.

The Olympus Mons caldera complex is made up of at least six overlapping calderas and segments of caldera. Each caldera formed when the roof collapsed following depletion and retreat of the subsurface magma chamber, so each caldera represents a separate eruption. A ‘lake of lava’ seems to have formed the the largest and oldest caldera segment. Using geometric relationships based on caldera dimensions, scientists estimate that the magma chamber associated with this caldera lies about 32 km below the floor of the caldera. Crater size/frequency distributions indicate the calderas range in age from 350 million years ago to about 150 million years ago and may have all formed within 100 million years of each other.

As the largest volcano in the Solar System, Olympus Mons has been extensively studied. Those studies have been helped by the closeness of Mars. Those studies will continue into the future as will the exploration of the entire planet.

We’ve had many stories about Olympus Mons on Universe Today. Here’s an article about landslides on the side of Olympus Mons, and anther about how Olympus Mons might have been active recently.

Here’s a website all about Olympus Mons, and more information from Exploring Mars.

We have recorded a whole series of podcasts about the Solar System at Astronomy Cast. Check them out here.

NASA StarChild
NASA: Olympus Mons from Orbit

Diameter of the Solar System

Artist's impression of the Oort Cloud. (NASA/JPL)

Defining the diameter of the Solar System is a matter of perspective and characterization. You can look at the Solar System’s diameter as ending at the aphelion of the orbit of the farthest planet, the edge of the heliosphere, or ending at the farthest observable object. To cover all of the objective bases, we will look at all three.

Looking at the aphelion(according to NASA figures) of the orbit of the farthest acknowledged planet, Neptune, the Solar System would have a radius of 4.545 billion km and a 9.09 billion km diameter. This diameter could change if the dwarf planet Eris is promoted after further study.

Sedna is three times farther away from Earth than Pluto, making it the most distant observable object known in the solar system. It is 143.73 billion km from the Sun, thus giving the Solar System a diameter of 287.46 billion km. Now, that is a lot of zeros, so let’s simplify it into astronomical units. 1 AU(distance from the Earth to the Sun) equals 149,597,870.691 km. Based on that figure, Sedna is nearly 960.78 AU from the Sun and the Solar System is 1,921.56 AU in diameter.

A third way to look at the diameter of the Solar System is to assume that it ends at the edge of the heliosphere. The heliosphere is often described as a bubble where the solar wind pushes against the interstellar medium and edge of where the Sun’s gravitational forces are stronger than those of other stars. The heliopause is the term given as the edge of that influence, where the solar wind is stopped and the gravitational force of our Sun fades. That occurs at about 90 AU, giving the Solar System a diameter of 180 AU. If the Sun’s influence ends here, how could Sedna be considered part of the Solar System, you may wonder. While it is beyond the heliopause at aphelion, it falls back within it at perihelion(around 76 AU).

Those determinations of the diameter of the Solar System may seem about as clear as mud, but they give you an idea of what scientists are trying to place a definitive value on. The distances involved are mind boggling and there are too many unknowns to place a absolute figure. Perhaps, an exact number will be determinable as the Voyager probes continue their outward journey.

Here’s an article on Universe Today about the closest star to Earth, and another about how long it would take to travel to the closest star.

Here’s an article from the Physics Factbook about the diameter of the Solar System, and a cool way to visualize it using the Earth as a peppercorn.

We have recorded a whole series of podcasts about the Solar System at Astronomy Cast. Check them out here.

Neptune Fact Sheet
NASA: Planet-Like Body Discovered at Fringes of Our Solar System
NASA Science: Heliophysics

How Many Stars are in the Solar System?

Red Dwarf star and planet. Artists impression (NASA)

The answer to ‘how many stars are in the Solar System’ is pretty straightforward, or is it? There is only one star that has ever been observed in our solar system, but some scientists have theorized that there is a second star out beyond the Oort Cloud that only comes close enough to be observed every 32 million years. That length of time between observational periods would explain why a human has never proven its existence.

As scientists explore our galaxy, it seems that ours is a somewhat unique solar system in many ways. Most do not have as many orbiting bodies and very few are single star systems. A majority have at least two stars(binary). A system could theoretically have an unlimited amount of stars. Systems with up to six stars have been observed.

Now, a little more about the theoretical companion star within our our solar system. The other star would have to be a red or brown dwarf and has been given the name Nemesis. In 1984, a pair of scientists, Raup & Sepkoski, claimed that mass extinctions, like the one that killed the dinosaurs, occur every 32 million years. The most widely held theory for the demise of dinosaurs is an asteroid or cometary impact, so the length of time would suggest that some mechanism is needed to disturb the comets in the Oort Cloud every 32 million years. Richard Muller, among others, hypothesized that a companion that orbits the Sun in that period could be the explanation. To prove their theory, Muller and a few colleagues embarked on a search for Nemesis. The team ran into this hurdle immediately; ‘Every star of the correct spectral type and magnitude must be scrutinized. … We are currently scrutinizing 3098 fields, which we believe contain all possible red dwarf candidates in the northern hemisphere.’ With nearly 3,100 possibilities in the Northern Hemisphere alone and a limited number of clear observational days, it is easy to see how daunting this task is.

Just to be clear, there is no evidence of any kind that makes scholars think that there is a companion star in our Solar System. It is a theory based solely on a need to explain the periodic mass extinctions that our planet has experienced. So, the only answer to ‘how many stars are in the Solar System’ that can be proven through observation is one…the Sun.

Here’s an article about a possible Planet X, and how it could disrupt the Solar System (and how it probably doesn’t exist), and an article about how multiple star systems come together.

Here’s Wikipedia’s entry on Nemesis, and another answer to the question from NASA.

We have recorded a whole series of podcasts about the Solar System at Astronomy Cast. Check them out here.

NASA Ask an Astrophysicist

How Old is the Solar System?

Artist's impression of planetary formation. Image credit: NASA

How old is the Solar System? That is a question that cuts to the heart of it all. By studying several things, mostly meteorites, and using radioactive dating techniques, specifically looking at daughter isotopes, scientists have determined that the Solar System is 4.6 billion years old. Well, give or take a few million years. That age can be extended to most of the objects and material in the Solar System.

The United States Geological Survey(USGS) website has a lot of indepth material about how the age of the Solar System was determined. The basics of it are that all material radioactively decays into a stable isotope. Some elements decay within nanoseconds while others have projected half-lives of over 100 billion years. The USGS based their study on minerals that naturally occur in rocks and have half-lives of 700 million to 100 billion years. These dating techniques, known as radiometric dating, are firmly grounded in physics and are used to measure the last time that the rock being dated was either melted or disturbed sufficiently to re-homogenize its radioactive elements. This techniques returned an approximate age for meteorites of 4.6 billion years and Earth bound rocks around 4.3 billion years. The USGS admits that they were unable to find any rock that had not been altered by the Earths tectonic plates, so the age of the Earth could be refined in the future.

When the gasses of the early solar nebula began to cool, the first materials to condense into solid particles were rich in calcium and aluminum. Eventually solid particles of different elements clumped together to form the common building blocks of comets, asteroids, and planets. Astronomers have long thought that some of the Solar System’s oldest asteroids should be more enriched in calcium and aluminum, but, none had been identified until recently. The the Allende meteorite of 1969 was the first to show inclusions that were extremely rich in calcium and aluminum. It took 40 years for the spectra of the inclusions to be discovered and then extrapolates to very old asteroids still in orbit around the Sun. Astronomer Jessica Sunshine and colleagues made this discovery with the support of NASA and the National Science Foundation

Additionally, the Universe is thought to have been created about 13.7 billion years ago. Measuring two long-lived radioactive elements in meteorites, uranium-238 and thorium-232, has placed the age of the Milky Way at in the same time frame. From these measurements, it appears that large scale structures like galaxies formed relatively quickly after the Big Bang.

Here’s an article from Universe Today that gives more information about the radioactive dating process of studying meteorites, and another article about how the solar nebula probably lasted about 2 million years.

Here’s a great article from the USGS that explains how the dating process works, and a great series from UC San Diego.

We have recorded a whole series of podcasts about the Solar System at Astronomy Cast. Check them out here.

U.S. Geological Survey
NASA: How Old is the Universe?
NASA Earth Guide: Age of the Solar System

Formation of the Solar System

Artist's impression of planetary formation. Image credit: NASA

Where did the Solar System come from? How did we go from space to a star with planets orbiting around it? Before we can look at the formation of the Solar System, we have to see what this region looked like.

Throughout the Milky Way, there are clouds of cold gas and dust, just sitting there, doing nothing. At some point in the distant past, this cloud was disturbed; either through the collision of another galaxy, or the explosion of a massive star.

The explosion would have sent waves through space that squeezed the gas and dust together. The clumping material was able to attract more material with its gravity, and started to collect into the solar nebula. The mutual movement of all the atoms in the cloud gave the solar nebula a direction to spin.

The Sun formed out of the largest collection of mass at the center of the solar nebula. Because it was spinning quickly, the rest of the nebula collected into a flattened disk around the newborn Sun – astronomers call this an accretion disk. Within the accretion disk, additional clumps gathered together; these would eventually form the planets.

The planets started out as tiny specks of dust that clumped together. As they continued to gather together, they became pebbles, rocks, boulders and eventually planetoids. These planetoids violently collided together to become the planets we know today.

By studying the decay of radioactive elements in meteorites, astronomers have been able to determine that the Solar System formed about 4.6 billion years ago.

When astronomers look out into the Universe, they see other Solar Systems forming at different stages. Some are large clouds of cold dust, others are starting to collapse. Others have accretion disks, and some might even have planets clearing out paths in the dust of the disk. We can’t see the formation of our own Solar System, but we can see it happening everywhere we look, so we assume our Solar System formed in the same way.

Here’s an article from Universe Today about planetary formation, and another about how the gas giants might have formed quickly.

Here’s an article from Wikipedia about the formation of the Solar System, and a link to NASA’s Solar System Simulator.

We have recorded a whole series of podcasts about the Solar System at Astronomy Cast. Check them out here.

Eta Vs. Peony: Which Star Will Go Supernova First?

The reigning champion for brightest star in the Milky Way is Eta Carinae, a highly unstable star prone to violent outbursts. Astronomers say Eta Car’s life will probably end in 100,000 years or so with a supernova explosion. That’s relatively soon in cosmic terms. But the Spitzer Space Telescope has unearthed a contender, both in brightness and in the supernova competition, found in the dusty depths of our galaxy’s center. Astronomers say the Peony nebular star might be as bright as Eta. But the biggest question may be, which star will be the first to go supernova?

Eta Carinae has the luminosity of 4.7 million times the brightness of our sun. And the new challenger, Peony, burns with the brightness of an estimated 3.2 million suns. But astronomers say it’s hard to pin down the exact brightness for these blazing stars, so they might shine with a similar amount of light.

Scientists already knew the Peony nebula star was out there, but they couldn’t get a good look at it to estimate its luminosity because of its sheltered location in the dusty central hub of our galaxy. Spitzer’s dust-piercing infrared eyes can penetrate the dust, and look into areas not visible with optical telescopes. Spitzer data was teamed up with infrared data from the European Southern Observatory’s New Technology Telescope in Chile to calculate the Peony nebula star’s luminosity.

“Infrared astronomy opens extraordinary views into the environment of the central region of our galaxy,” said Lidia Oskinova of Potsdam University in Germany. “The Peony nebula star is a fascinating creature. It appears to be the second-brightest star that we now know of in the galaxy. There are probably other stars just as bright if not brighter in our galaxy that remain hidden from view.”

Peony, with its rather delicate sounding name, is really a Big Bertha of a star. Astronomers estimate the Peony nebula star started its life with a hefty mass of roughly 150 to 200 times that of our sun. It is a type of giant blue star called a Wolf-Rayet star, with a diameter roughly 100 times that of our sun. That means this star, if placed where our sun is, would extend out to about the orbit of Mercury.

Stars this massive are rare and puzzle astronomers because they push the limits required for stars to form. Theory predicts that if a star starts out too massive, it can’t hold itself together and must break into a double or multiple stars instead.

Peony (maybe in an effort to control her weight) sheds an enormous amount of stellar matter in the form of strong winds. This matter is pushed so hard by strong radiation from the star that the winds speed up to about 1.6 million kilometers per hour (one million miles per hour) in only a few hours.

Ultimately, the Peony nebula star will live a short life of a few million years and will blow up in the most fantastic of cosmic explosions called a supernova. In fact, Oskinova and her colleagues say that the star is ripe for exploding soon, which in astronomical terms mean anytime from now to millions of years from now.

When this star blows up, it will evaporate any planets orbiting stars in the vicinity,” said Oskinova. “Farther out from the star, the explosion could actually trigger the birth of new stars.”

In addition to the star itself, the astronomers noted a cloud of dust and gas, called a nebula, surrounding the star. The team nicknamed this cloud the Peony nebula because it resembles the ornate flower.

Eta and Peony. Deceptively petite and delicate names for such big stars about to go boom.

Let the competition begin!

News Source: JPL

Podcast: Galaxies

Whirlpool Galaxy. Image credit: Hubble

This week we’re going to look at some of the biggest objects in the Universe: galaxies. It was the discovery of galaxies in the early 20th century that helped astronomers realize just how big the Universe is, and how far away everything is. Let’s learn how galaxies formed and how they evolve and change over time, merging with the neighbors. And what the future holds.

Click here to download the episode

Galaxies – Show notes and transcript

Or subscribe to: astronomycast.com/podcast.xml with your podcatching software.

Echus Chasma From Mars Express

echus chasma. Credits: ESA/ DLR/ FU Berlin (G. Neukum)


Do these valleys on Mars come from gushes of water from past rainfall, or groundwater springs, or could they have possibly been formed from magma flows on Mars surface? That’s the debate surrounding the many valleys, chasms and dry gullies found on the Red Planet.

The majority of planetary geologists seem to favor the idea of water flowing on Mars surface in the past. The images shown here of Echus Chasma are from the European Space Agency’s Mar’s Express, and its High-Resolution Stereo Camera (HRSC). Echus Chasma is believed to be one of the largest water source regions on the Red Planet. The valleys, cut into the landscape look similar to drainage networks found on Earth.

The image here has a ground resolution of approximately 17 m/pixel, and is so clear and distinct it almost makes you feel like you’re there!

echus chasma.  Credits: ESA/ DLR/ FU Berlin (G. Neukum)
Image of the Echus Chasma showing elevation. Credits: ESA/ DLR/ FU Berlin (G. Neukum)

Echus Chasma is approximately 100 km long and 10 km wide. Echus Chasma is believed to be the water source region that formed Kasei Valles, a large valley which extends thousands of kilometers to the north. It’s located in the Lunae Planum high plateau, north of Valles Marineris – the Grand Canyon of Mars. This image indicates elevation data, also obtained by the HRSC.

Echus Chasma mosaic.  Credits: ESA/DLR/ FU Berlin (G. Neukum)
Echus Chasma mosaic. Credits: ESA/DLR/ FU Berlin (G. Neukum)

An impressive cliff, up to 4000 m high, is located in the eastern part of Echus Chasma. Possibly, gigantic water falls may once have plunged over these cliffs on to the valley floor. The remarkably smooth valley floor was later flooded by basaltic lava.

Echus Chasma. Credits: ESA/ DLR/ FU Berlin (G. Neukum)
Overhead view of the Echus Chasma. Credits: ESA/ DLR/ FU Berlin (G. Neukum)

The smaller valleys, also called sapping canyons, are believed to originate from the discharge of groundwater.

Original News Source: ESA