Glow in the Dark Solar System

Now this is a cool project. You can buy a glow in the dark Solar System kit, and put the entire Solar System on your ceiling. When you turn off the lights, the Sun and the planets glow in the dark.

There are several sets available from

One kit is called Planets and Supernova, and it comes with 100 small, medium and large glow in the dark stars. It also has 9 planets for the Solar System (sshh, somebody tell them that Pluto isn’t a planet anymore).

Another set contains just the glow in the dark planets themselves. It’s pretty inexpensive, just $3.95 for the set.

And if you want a 3-dimensional version, check out this set. It’s got all the planets as well as stars. The largest planet is 4″ across.

Here’s a cool project that lets you build a Solar System model.

We have recorded a whole series of podcasts about the Solar System at Astronomy Cast. Check them out here.

Solar System Order

Planets in the Solar System. Image credit: NASA/JPL/IAU


If you give most people enough time to think, they can come up with the names of all of the planets. Most will still throw in Pluto, despite its demotion. What those same people will have difficulty with is the Solar System order. It can be difficult to remember which planet is where. The current Solar System order is Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune.

The best thing to do is come up with a handy mnemonic. The most common one taught in school used to be My Very Educated Mother Just Served Us Nine Pizzas, then Pluto lost the prestige of planetary status. Most educators have cast about for another, just as handy mnemonic device. This one should work just fine: My Very Educated Mother Just Served Us Noodles. Of course, both devices assume that everyone knows that the Sun is at the center of our Solar System.

Here are a few details about each planet that might be of interest to you.

Mercury has a tenuous atmosphere, so, despite being the planet closest to the Sun, it is unable to retain the heat it is exposed to. The temperature ranges by a few hundred degrees Celsius each Mercurian day.

Venus has a thick atmosphere and an average surface temperature of 460 degrees Celsius. If you were standing on Venus, you would choke on the high amounts of carbon dioxide as your skin dissolved in the sulfuric acid rain.

Earth needs no introduction or details.

Mars is perhaps the most studied planet besides Earth. It has a nearly nonexistent atmosphere, so it is a cold world. Temperatures are about -140 Celsius in the winter. At the height of summer you could not comfortably wear shorts.

Jupiter is 2.5 times as massive as all of the other planets in the Solar System combined. Jupiter has 63 recognized moons, but more are thought to be in orbit. That accounts for about 1/3 of the moons in our Solar System.

Saturn is a contradiction. It is the second largest planet, yet it has a very low density. It would float if you had enough water to put it in. There are 60 acknowledged moons orbiting Saturn.

Uranus is tilted like crazy. All planets are slightly tilted on their axis, but Uranus is tilting at 98 degrees.

Neptune, is last, but not least. It orbits an average of 4.5 billion km from the Sun. It was discovered in 1846, making it the most recent recognized planet to be discovered.

And there you have the Solar System order, a way to remember it, and a few interesting facts about each planet. We encourage you to explore the NASA website to get more information.

Here’s an article from Universe Today that goes into more detail for each of the planets in the Solar System.

Here’s an article from the BBC with several suggestions down in the comments. And here are some more.

We have recorded a whole series of podcasts about the Solar System at Astronomy Cast. Check them out here.


Solar System Coloring

Exploring the Solar System
  • Windows on the Universe – This site has a Solar System coloring book you can print off. It offers a Java version or a PDF version.
  • Enchanted Learning – Here’s another Solar System coloring book. This one contains images of all the planets, the Sun, the Moon, and other astronomical objects that you can color in.
  • Johnson Space Center (NASA) – Of course, NASA has some coloring books you can use. Here’s one that covers human spaceflight.
  • Solar System Coloring Book – This one comes from the Space Store. It’s not free, but it’s only $3.95 and has each of the planets.
  • Exploring the Solar System – Another book you can buy. This one is available from

Let us know if you find any other books for coloring the Solar System.

StarGazer’s Telescope: Jumpin’ Jupiter!

Greetings, Fellow Stratos Dwellers! Have you had more than your fair share of clouds lately and are hankering for a few photons? Skies haven’t been spectacular in this part of the world either and when it is clear, the heat is sure making it difficult to get a nice steady view. But, it’s a nice night out. Wanna’ take out the StarGazer’s telescope and have a look at Jupiter? I’ll see you in the back yard…

Yes. The skies are still hazy, but it’s a warm night. Isn’t it something to see Jupiter up there riding along on the Milky Way? Makes me think of that crazy song… “Now that’s she’s back in the atmosphere, with drops of Jupiter in her hair..” Ok! Ok! I know we have to keep it quiet or we’ll wake the neighbors. Careful walking around the edge of the pool while you’re looking up. I don’t want to have to fish you out! You’ll see the telescope set up right over there. Go ahead. The eyepiece is waiting on you.

What’s that? Oh, yeah. It is awesome! Did you know that it has two and a half times more mass than all of the other planets put together? In fact, if it had much more mass Jupiter would shrink. Don’t laugh! I’m not kidding. If Jupiter gained more weight it could have even conceivably been a star. Can you imagine that? Then we’d never have a dark night.

Hmmm? Yes. You’re right. There are very noticeable markings when it steadies down a bit. Those are the cloud zones. The white one in the center is the EZ. Now quit that laughing! It stands for equatorial zone. The dark one underneath the EZ is the north equatorial belt and the one on top of it is the south. Yes. There’s lots of other fine lines, too. Below the north equatorial belt is the tropical and temperate zones. Same goes for the south up above. Just a bunch of fast moving ammonia crystals with maybe a little ammonium hydrosulfide thrown in for good measure. As phosphorus, sulfur or maybe even hydrocarbons swirl up from below, the ultraviolet light from Sol gives ’em a little suntan.

Hey! You saw it? Good for you! Yep. Just a little right of center in the southern tropical zone. That’s why I called you out here tonight. The Great Red Spot isn’t all that red, is it? Just a strange, salmon colored oval that shows up every now and again when things steady off. Yes, it sure is a storm. An anticyclonic storm that we know started at least as early as 1831 and maybe even as early as 1665. Sometimes it rotates fast and sometimes it rotates slow, but it always rotates counterclockwise to Jupiter. No one really knows why it is the color it is, but we do know its cooler than the other cloudtops and big enough at times to swallow three planet Earths. Now, move over…

It’s my turn.

Astronomers Find New Evidence for Dark Energy

Dark Energy's stretching effect. Credit: U of Hawaii

A team of astronomers has found what they say is the clearest detection to date of dark energy in the universe. Scientists at the University of Hawaii compared an existing database of galaxies with a map of the cosmic microwave background radiation (CMB), and were able to detect dark energy’s effect on vast cosmic structures such as superclusters of galaxies, where there is a high concentration of galaxies, and supervoids, areas in space with a small number of galaxies. “We were able to image dark energy in action, as it stretches huge supervoids and superclusters of galaxies,” said Dr. István Szapudi said, from U of Hawaii’s Institute for Astronomy.

The discovery in 1998 that the universe was actually speeding up in its expansion was a surprise to astronomers. Dark energy refers to the fact that something must fill the vast reaches of mostly empty space in the Universe in order to be able to make space accelerate in its expansion. Dark energy works against the tendency of gravity to pull galaxies together and so causes the universe’s expansion to speed up.But the nature of dark energy and why it exists is one of the biggest puzzles of modern science.

The team from the University of Hawaii made the discovery by measuring the subtle imprints that superclusters and supervoids leave in microwaves that pass through them. Superclusters and supervoids are the largest structures in the universe.

“When a microwave enters a supercluster, it gains some gravitational energy, and therefore vibrates slightly faster,” explained Szapudi. “Later, as it leaves the supercluster, it should lose exactly the same amount of energy. But if dark energy causes the universe to stretch out at a faster rate, the supercluster flattens out in the half-billion years it takes the microwave to cross it. Thus, the wave gets to keep some of the energy it gained as it entered the supercluster.”

“Dark energy sort of gives microwaves a memory of where they’ve been recently,” postdoctoral scientist Mark Neyrinck said.

Comparing superclusters (red circles) and supervoids (blue circles) with the CMB.  Credit:  U of Hawaii
Comparing superclusters (red circles) and supervoids (blue circles) with the CMB. Credit: U of Hawaii

When the team compared galaxies against the CMB, they found that the microwaves were a bit stronger if they had passed through a supercluster, and a bit weaker if they had passed through a supervoid.

“With this method, for the first time we can actually see what supervoids and superclusters do to microwaves passing through them,” said graduate student Benjamin Granett.

The signal is difficult to detect, since ripples in the primordial CMB are larger than the imprints of individual superclusters and supervoids. To extract a signal, the team averaged together patches of the CMB map around the 50 largest supervoids and the 50 largest superclusters that they detected in extremely bright galaxies drawn from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey, a project that mapped the distribution of galaxies over a quarter of the sky.

The astronomers say there is only a one in 200,000 chance that the evidence they detected would occur by chance.

Original News Source: U of Hawaii press release

Friday’s Total Solar Eclipse can be Watched on the Internet

A solar eclipse at totality (NASA/F. Espenak)


If you’ve ever wanted to see a solar eclipse, this might be the time to do it. It is a very rare chance to see an eclipse at totality because the Moon’s shadow is so small and, more often than not, it falls on sparsely populated regions of the planet. Often eclipse hunters are resigned to planning expensive trips to these locations, sometimes only to be disappointed by poor weather. But there’s an answer. This Friday’s eclipse will swing over Canada, the tip of Greenland, parts of Russia, China and Mongolia, including the Gobi desert, although nothing can replace actually travelling to one of these locations to witness this celestial event, NASA will transmit the eclipse live over the Internet. Excellent, now we can do some eclipse-chasing without leaving our armchairs…

Back in 1999, the south of the UK was fortunate to witness a total solar eclipse. I remember the excitement this caused on August 11th during that short British summer. Totality could be experienced in the southern-most county of Cornwall, but my hometown, Bristol, would see more than 90% totality. Although it wasn’t perfect, I decided to stay at home as the weather forecast for Cornwall wasn’t good, Bristol was better. Ultimately I wanted to see the “diamond ring” of the edge of the Sun peaking over the limb of the Moon. So, I kitted myself out. I constructed a rudimentary eclipse projector with a pair of binoculars and purchased a new tripod for my camera so I could photograph the projected image via the binocular set-up. I was good to go. But as with all British summers, I couldn’t rely on the weather. It turned out the weather front that was forecast for Cornwall had blown north ahead of schedule, blanketing my city and most of Cornwall. Alas, the eclipse was wasted on most of mainland Britain…

Path of totality on Friday (NASA)
Path of totality on Friday (NASA)

That’s the problem with trying to view the eclipse, often it will be in the wrong location at the right time, or the right location at the wrong time. Of course many eclipse hunters have luck on their side and are able to enjoy totality with clear skies, but for most of us have to make do with photos and videos taken by other people after the event. Not quite the same.

This Friday’s eclipse will be like most others, but this time it will start in Canada, pass over Greenland, Russia, China and Mongolia. If you are based in the USA, you might catch a glimpse of the event at sunrise in northeastern Maine. However, dedicated eclipse chasers like NASA astrophysicist Fred Espenak will be travelling to northern China to witness the event. But it hasn’t been easy. As the Olympics are starting next week in Beijing, travel expenses have sky-rocketed, plus fuel prices can only make things worse. Many Chinese eclipse tours can cost $3,000-$6,000 and if you fancied a trip to the High Arctic on a Russian icebreaker, expect to pay $23,000.

So we don’t miss out, NASA will be transmitting the live eclipse (presumably via their homepage starting well before its peak at 7:09 am EDT. Also, museums like the Exploratorium in San Francisco have special eclipse events scheduled so we can all have the chance of seeing the event as it happens. Again, it’s not the same as experiencing it yourself, but at least you can guarantee clear skies via the Internet…

Source: AP

Summer Showers: The Delta Aquarid and Capricornid Meteors Sparkle This Week’s Skies

FireBall at Ayres Rock - Credit: Joe Brimacombe


“A drop fell on the apple tree, Another on the roof; A half a dozen kissed the eaves, And made the gables laugh. A few went out to help the brook, That went to help the sea. Myself conjectured, Were they pearls, What necklaces could be!” As you drink in the words of Emily Dickinson, get ready for two showers of another type this week: meteor showers.

Beginning this evening, July 27, the Delta Aquarid meteor shower will peak with an average of 25 “shooting stars” per hour for maximum activity with many of them leaving yellowish trails. While there is no specific parent comet for the shower, many believe they are the product of periodic Comet 96P/Machholz 2 – which disintegrated in 1994. Will this cause the activity to be stronger or not? No one really knows for sure. Fall rate activity is always dictated by the precise moment the Earth turns into the meteoroid stream and no specific location or time can ever be precise.

But don’t be discouraged if it’s cloudy tonight. This whole week will be a grand time to watch for meteors as the Capricornid meteor shower peaks on July 29. This time we’re looking at about 15 to 20 meteors per hour, but a shower that also has a reputation for bolides. Who among us doesn’t get a thrill at watching a bright fireball pass overhead!

“Dazzling and clear shooting over our heads, A moment, a moment long it sail’d its balls of unearthly light over our heads, Then departed, dropt in the night, and was gone.”

Numerous astronomers have tried to identify the object responsible for the formation of the Alpha Capricornid stream, but no definitive parent has ever really been chosen because the stream is so broad. It may be Denning-Fujikawa, or it could be Honda-Mrkos-Pajdusakova, but I like to think it might be possible that Apollo asteroid Adonis is the case. Although there is radio evidence to support that, I still find something dreadfully romantic about spending an evening watching for meteors and what more romantic figure than Adonis?

“As I flit through you hastily, soon to fall and be gone, what is this chant, What am I myself but one of your meteors?” Over time, meteor showers have inspired poets and artist alike, just like these words from Walt Whitman. How long has it been since you read a poem, or contemplated the evening sky? With the Moon far gone from the early evening, why not take children or grandchildren out with you? Let them catch fireflies in a jar, like captured meteors to take their fancy. Try the words of May Justus: “One night a little firefly, Was looking at a star, And said – but no one heard him – “I wonder what you are.” Then, eager for adventure, And brave as he could be, He trimmed his little lantern, And flew away to see!”

Even if you don’t take such fanciful notions to viewing a meteor shower, there’s still no harm enjoying a pleasant summer evening outdoors and adding to your scientific studies. For the most part, activity will take place in the south/southeast, so face in that general direction. As always, around midnight is a preferable time to begin – but there could always be early arrivals. Make your evening comfortable by bringing a blanket to lay on, or a reclining chair. Little things like a thermos of lemonade, cookies, insect repellent and binoculars are always welcome. If you live near city lights, why not make it a special event and take a drive to the countryside? And take along the words of Melville: “Of thee we think, in a ring we link; To the shearer of ocean’s fleece we drink, And the Meteor rolling home.”

A Midsummer Night’s Dream: NGC 4618 and NGC 4625 by Martin Winder/Dietmar Hager

NGC 4625/18 - Credit: Winder / Hager

“Night’s swift dragons cut the clouds full fast, And yonder shines…” Another galactic pair? Discovered by Friedrich Wilhelm Herschel in 1787, this particular galactic pairing known as Arp 23 find its home in Canes Venetici, and the duo most certainly has a colorful history. The smaller of the pair – NGC 4625 is a distorted dwarf galaxy formally classified as Sm, a structure which resembles spiral galaxies – especially the Magellanic clouds. So what does a single arm galaxy have to say for itself? Continue reading “A Midsummer Night’s Dream: NGC 4618 and NGC 4625 by Martin Winder/Dietmar Hager”

Weekend SkyWatcher’s Forecast: July 25-27, 2008

M92 - Credit: NOAO/AURA/NSF

[/caption]Greetings, fellow SkyWatchers! Now that the Moon is gone from the early evening skies and I’m back from that soul vacation, tracing my way across the constellations it’s time to break out binoculars and telescopes and enjoy some of the summer’s finest globular clusters – both easy and challenging. For everyone, it’s also time to get back in our atmosphere with drops of Jupiter in our hair and check out the Mighty Jove as it smokes up the sky. Are you ready to dance?

Friday, July 25 – Today in 1971, Apollo 15 was launched on its way to the Moon, and tonight we’ll launch our way north to the Mighty Hercules for a look at another globular study – M92. Although in a relatively open field for starhoppers, it’s not too hard to find if you can imagine it as the apex of a triangle with the northern keystone stars – Eta and Pi – as the base (RA 17 17 07 Dec +43 08 11).

At near magnitude 6, Class IV M92 was discovered by Johann Bode in 1777 and cataloged as Bode 76. Independently recovered by Messier in 1781 and resolved by Herschel in 1783, this bright, compact globular is around 26,700 light-years away and is about 12 to 14 billion years old. It contains 14 RR Lyrae variables among its 330,000 stars and also a very rare eclipsing binary. Viewable unaided under the right conditions and very impressive in even small binoculars, M92 is a true delight to even the smallest of telescopes. It has a very bright and unresolvable core with many outlying stars that are easily revealed. Larger scopes will appreciate its fiery appearance!

Now let’s hop south to Beta Ophiuchi to have a look at NGC 6426 about a fingerwidth south (RA 17 44 54 Dec +-3 10 12). There’s a very good reason why you’ll want to at least try with Herschel II.587. Discovered by Sir William in 1786, this 11th magnitude Class IX globular looks destroyed in comparison to M92. At 67,500 light-years away, it is more than twice the distance from us as M92! Residing 47,600 light-years from the galactic center, NGC 6426 contains 15 RR Lyrae variables (three of which are newly-discovered), and is the most metal-poor globular known. So what’s the relation to M92? It’s even a little bit older!

Forget about finding this one in binoculars and very small telescopes. For the mid-sized scope you’ll find it conveniently located about halfway between Beta and Gamma Ophiuchi – but it’s not easy. Faint and diffuse, a large telescope is required to begin resolution.

Saturday, July 26– For hardcore observers, tonight’s globular cluster study will require at least a mid-aperture telescope, because we’re staying up a bit later to go for a pair that can be seen in the same low power field – NGC 6522 and NGC 6528. You will find them easily at low power just a breath northwest of Gamma Sagittarii (Al Nasl), or the tip of the “teapot’s” spout. Once located, switch to higher power to keep the light of Gamma out of the field and let’s do some studying.

The brighter, and slightly larger, of the pair to the northeast is Class VI NGC 6522 (RA 18 03 34 Dec 30 02 02). Note its level of concentration compared to Class V NGC 6528 (RA 18 04 49 Dec 30 03 20). Both are located around 2,000 light-years from the galactic center, and are seen through a very special area of the sky known as “Baade’s Window” – one of the few areas toward our galaxy’s core region not obscured by dark dust. While they are similar in concentration, distance, etc., NGC 6522 has a slight amount of resolution toward its edges while NGC 6528 appears more random.

Both NGC 6522 and NGC 6528 were discovered by Sir William Herschel on the same night 1784 and both are the same distance from the galaxy’s nucleus. But there the similarities end: NGC 6522 has an intermediate metallicity. At its core, the red giants have been depleted – stripped tidally by evolving blue stragglers. It is possible that core collapse has already occurred. NGC 6528, however, contains one of the highest metal contents of any known globular cluster collected in its bulging core!

Now, let’s go kill our night vision and have a look at Jupiter! During the course of the evening of July 26-27, several events will happen – including eclipses and transits. For viewers in the United States eastern time zone, look for the Great Red Spot to appear on the meridian at around 10:48 p.m. While it’s difficult to make out the faint contrast of this most popular of all jovian features, take the opportunity to experiment with color filters if you have them. Even wearing sunglasses can sometimes produce surprising results!

Sunday, July 27 – Today in 1892, a very special astronomer was born – Sir George Biddell Airy. Does that name sound familiar? Anyone who uses a refractor understands the properties of the “Airy disc” as first outlined in his paper “On the Diffraction of an Object-Glass with Circular Aperture.” But, Sir George achieved a bit more: As Astronomer Royal from 1835 to 1881, his tireless devotion to planetary study led to the discovery by P. A. Hansen of two new irregularities in the moon’s motion. Not enough? Airy’s calculations also determined the mean density of the Earth. More? Then thank Sir George for giving us Greenwich Mean Time!

Are you still having no luck in finding a deep-space object? Then how about one that’s simple to locate for all optics. All you have to know is Antares and go west…

M4 - Credit: NOAO/AURA/NSF
M4 - Credit: NOAO/AURA/NSF
Just slightly more than a degree away you’ll find a major globular cluster perfectly suited for every size telescope and binoculars – M4 (RA 16 23 35 Dec 26 31 31). This 5th magnitude Class IX cluster can even be spotted unaided from a dark location! In 1746 Philippe Loys de Chéseaux happened upon this 7200 light-year distant beauty – one of the nearest to us. It was also included in Lacaille’s catalog as object I.9 and noted by Messier in 1764. Much to Charles’ credit, he was the first to resolve it!

As one of the loosest globular clusters, M4 would be tremendous if we were not looking at it through a heavy cloud of interstellar dust. To binoculars, it is easy to pick out a very round, diffuse patch – yet it will begin resolution with even a small telescope. Large telescopes will also easily see a central “bar” of stellar concentration across M4’s core region, which was first noted by Herschel.

As an object of scientific study, the first millisecond pulsar was discovered within M4 in 1987 – one which spins 10 times faster than the Crab Nebula pulsar. Photographed by the Hubble Space Telescope in 1995, M4 was found to contain white dwarf stars – the oldest in our galaxy – with a planet orbiting one of them! A little more than twice the size of Jupiter, this planet is believed to be as old as the cluster itself. At 13 billion years, it would be three times the age of the Sol system!

Have a great weekend….

Apollo Astronaut Mitchell Says Aliens Have Visited Earth

Apollo 14 Astronaut Edgar Mitchell. Credit: NASA

This story has been spreading like wildfire across the internet, as well as other news sources, which is not surprising given the topic. In a radio interview in the UK, and in a subsequent article in the Daily Register, former Apollo astronaut Edgar Mitchell said he believes there is life on other planets. OK, that’s not much of a bombshell. But then he went on to say that aliens have visited Earth, and our governments have been covering it up. That was the shocker. Mitchell said he was “privileged enough to be in on the fact that we’ve been visited on this planet and the U.F.O. phenomena is real.” While he didn’t offer any real facts or say that he has actually seen aliens, he said big organizations will soon be offering full disclosure. NASA officials responded to Mitchell’s comments fairly politely with this comment: “NASA does not track UFOs. NASA is not involved in any sort of cover up about alien life on this planet or anywhere in the universe. Dr. Mitchell is a great American, but we do not share his opinions on this issue.”

Mitchell was a member of Apollo 14, and was the sixth man to walk on the moon. While he didn’t offer any real proof of his claims, he does seemingly have credentials. However, he alone among the Apollo astronauts makes these types of claims, and has been saying things like this for quite some time. He said on the way home from the moon he had a “transformational, transcendental experience.” After his flight he started the Institute of Noetic Sciences, which “conducts and sponsors leading-edge research into the potentials and powers of consciousness.”

There was another interesting statement by Mitchell during this interview: “There’s more nonsense out there about this than there is real knowledge.”

Of course, the UFO folks have glommed onto these latest statements by Mitchell, but here’s what some of the more reputable news sites have been saying:

New York Times Blog: “While Mr. Mitchell, 77, is certainly entitled to his own views on the issue, the rest of us may need to wait for something more convincing.”

Huffington Post: “Mitchell, a member of the Apollo 14 team, has long held these beliefs despite the fact that he himself has never seen neither an alien or a U.F.O.”

NASA Watch’s Keith Cowing: “I assume you have proof to back up your extraterrestrial conspiracy mongering, Ed.”

Robert Pearlman, the editor of CollectSpace, wrote the following on an online forum:

Based on the nine minute call, it (a) doesn’t seem to be anything tremendously different from prior comments and writings by Dr. Mitchell, and (b) he isn’t actually claiming first-hand knowledge but rather repeating what he was told by others. It is no secret that Dr. Mitchell’s Noetic Science Institute attracts those that believe in extraterrestrials and that he has attended numerous conferences where they have been on the agenda for discussion, thus what he says here is of little surprise (and some might argue, consequence).

Irene Klotz from Discovery interviewed Mitchell after his UK radio interview and here’s an excerpt:

Irene Klotz: I wanted to ask you if there was anything about the radio interview you did that was different from what you’ve said in the past.

Edgar Mitchell: No, there’s nothing different. Several of (the reports of the interview) that I’ve seen come around have some flaws in them. Some of the reports pushed it or spun it incorrectly. NASA had nothing to do with anything I’ve done. I wasn’t briefed by NASA. There haven’t been any sightings as a result of my flight service there, so if that part of it comes out on anything you’ve seen it is just totally wrong.

In this Discovery interview, and in previous interviews, Mitchell has not offered any definite proof of his claims, and said he’s only been “told by people who were utterly sworn to secrecy” about alien visits to Earth. Mitchell grew up in Roswell, New Mexico.

All in all, unless Mitchell can offer definitive proof, his claims will have to be put in the same class as anyone else that makes similar claims, despite his background. Even with the prevalence of cameras and video cameras among the general public and with an abundance of investigative news reporters out there (all wanting to break the news story of the millennium) still, no one has been able to produce credible proof of aliens visiting Earth.

As the Bad Astronomer Phil Plait has said repeatedly, the people constantly looking at the skies, professional and amateur astronomers, have made no claims of UFO’s or aliens visiting Earth. They know what they are looking at in the sky.

For a dose of reality, please see Phil’s take on UFO’s.