Star Blasting Water From Its Surroundings

A jet of gas firing out of a very young star can be seen ramming into a wall of material in this infrared Spitzer image. Image credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/Harvard-Smithsonian CfA


The Spitzer Space Telescope has spied water in a cloud of gas and dust around a nascent star. That’s interesting in itself, but even more remarkable, the water is being blasted apart by the young star’s laser-like jets. Spitzer’s spectrometer was used to get a better look at these jets and analyze the jet’s molecules. To the astronomers’ surprise, Spitzer picked up the signature of rapidly spinning fragments of water molecules, called hydroxyl, or OH. “This is a truly unique observation that will provide important information about the chemistry occurring in planet-forming regions, and may give us insights into the chemical reactions that made water and even life possible in our own solar system,” said Achim Tappe, of the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, Cambridge, Mass.

A young star forms out of a thick, rotating cloud of gas and dust. Like the two ends of a spinning top, powerful jets of gas emerge from the top and bottom of the dusty cloud. As the cloud shrinks more and more under its own gravity, its star eventually ignites and the remaining dust and gas flatten into a pancake-like disk, from which planets will later form. By the time the star ignites and stops accumulating material from its cloud, the jets will have died out.

Tappe and his colleagues used Spitzer’s infrared eyes to cut through the dust surrounding the star, called HH 211-mm, to analyze the jets. The astronomers were surprised to see water molecules in the data. But the results showed the hydroxyl molecules have absorbed so much energy (through a process called excitation) that they are rotating around with energies equivalent to 28,000 Kelvin (27,700 degrees Celsius). This far exceeds normal expectations for gas streaming out of a stellar jet. Water, which is abbreviated H2O, is made up of two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen; hydroxyl, or OH, contains one oxygen and one hydrogen atom.

The results reveal that the jet is ramming its head into a wall of material, vaporizing ice right off the dust grains it normally coats. The jet is hitting the material so fast and hard that a shock wave is also being produced.

“The shock from colliding atoms and molecules generates ultraviolet radiation, which will break up water molecules, leaving extremely hot hydroxyl molecules,” said Tappe.

Tappe said this same process of ice being vaporized off dust occurs in our own solar system, when the sun vaporizes ice in approaching comets. In addition, the water that now coats our world is thought to have come from icy comets that vaporized as they rained down on a young Earth. This discovery provides a better understanding of how water — an essential ingredient for life as we know it — is processed in emerging solar systems.

Source: JPL

Saturn’s Glowing Rings

Saturn's G ring straight on. Credit: NASA/JPL


The Cassini spacecraft recently flew through the plane of Saturn’s rings and took this straight-on image of the G ring, showing a bright arc of material seen here as it rounds the ring’s edge, or ansa. The spacecraft also took images of the moons Mimas and Calypso (see below). In the image here, the diffuse glow at left shows the extended nature of this faint ring. The view looks toward the sunlit side of the rings from less than a degree below the ringplane. The ring moved against the background stars during this exposure, creating the star trails seen here. Cassini scientists and engineers are preparing for an upcoming flyby of the moon Enceladus on October 9. This is the second of seven targeted Enceladus fly-bys in the Extended Mission., and the spacecraft will pass through the moon’s geyser-like plumes in an attempt to measure fields and particles.

Cassini spacecraft scientists think the bright arc in the G Ring contains relatively large, icy particles held in place by a gravitational an orbital resonance with the moon Mimas. Micrometeoroids collide with the large particles, releasing smaller, dust-sized particles that brighten the arc. The plasma in the giant planet’s magnetic field sweeps through this arc continually, dragging out the fine particles and creating the G ring. The ring arc orbits Saturn along the inner edge of the G ring. The image was taken with the Cassini spacecraft narrow-angle camera on Aug. 22, 2008, from about 1.2 million kilometers (740,000 miles) from Saturn.

Here’s the image of Mimas and the rings:
Mimas and Saturn's Rings.  Credit:  NASA/JPL

And one of Calypso, too:

Calypso and Saturn's Rings.  Credit:  NASA/JPL

Source: Cassini web page, Twitter

Companion Dwarf Galaxy Almost Invisible

Segue 1 is 50 times dimmer than the star cluster pictured above but is 1000 times more massive, meaning most of its mass must be made up of dark matter. (Credit: Sloan Digital Sky Survey)

A team of astronomers has discovered the least luminous, most dark matter-filled galaxy known to exist. The Segue 1 galaxy is one of about two dozen small satellite galaxies orbiting our own Milky Way. This is a very faint galaxy, a billion times less bright than the Milky Way. But despite its small number of visible stars, Segue 1 is nearly a thousand times more massive than it appears, meaning most of its mass must come from dark matter. “Segue 1 is the most extreme example of a galaxy that contains only a few hundred stars, yet has a relatively large mass,” said Marla Geha, an assistant professor of astronomy at Yale and lead author on a paper about Segue 1.

Geha and her colleagues have observed about half of the dwarf satellite galaxies that orbit the Milky Way. These objects are so faint and contain so few stars that at first they were thought to be globular clusters – tightly bound star clusters that also orbit our host galaxy. But by analyzing the light coming from the objects using the Keck telescope in Hawaii, the researchers determined these objects are actually galaxies, but just very faint.

Looking only at the light emitted by these ultra-faint galaxies, Geha and her colleagues expected them to have correspondingly low masses. Instead, they discovered that they are between 100 and 1000 times more massive than they appear. Invisible dark matter, she said, must account for the difference.

Although dark matter doesn’t emit or absorb light, scientists can measure its gravitational effect on ordinary matter and believe it makes up about 85 percent of the total mass in the universe. Finding ultra-faint galaxies like Segue 1, which is so rife with dark matter, provides clues as to how galaxies form and evolve, especially at the smallest scales.

“These dwarf galaxies tell us a great deal about galaxy formation,” Geha said. “For example, different theories about how galaxies form predict different numbers of dwarf galaxies versus large galaxies. So just comparing numbers is significant.”

It’s only recently that astronomers have discovered just how prevalent these dwarf satellite galaxies are, thanks to projects like the Sloan Digital Sky Survey, which imaged large areas of the nighttime sky in greater detail than ever before. In the past two years alone, the number of known dwarf galaxies orbiting the Milky Way has doubled from the dozen or so brightest that were discovered during the first half of the twentieth century.

Geha predicts astronomers will find even more as they continue to sift through new data. “The galaxies I now consider bright used to be the least luminous ones we knew about,” she said. “It’s a totally new regime. This is a story that’s just unfolding.”

Source: Yale University

Winds on Venus are Variable, Cyclical

Credits: ESA/VIRTIS/INAF-IASF/Obs. de Paris-LESIA/ Universidad del País Vasco (R.Hueso)

The Venus Express spacecraft has been continuously monitoring the planet in orbit since 2006, and scientists now have enough data to start building a complete picture of the planet’s atmospheric phenomena. They have put together a 3-D picture of Venusian winds for the southern hemisphere. It was known that the winds on Venus are extremely fast and powerful, but what was not known was their extreme variability. The winds are highly influenced by the sun, as well as an unusual and unknown mechanism that seems to re-set itself every five days.

The Venus Express Visual and Infrared Thermal Imaging Spectrometer, VIRTIS, has been studying the thick blanket of clouds that surround Venus, gathering data on the winds. The area studied spans altitudes of 45 to 70 km above the surface and covers the entire southern hemisphere, up to the equator. It is above the southern hemisphere that Venus Express reaches its highest point in orbit (about 66 000 km), allowing the instruments to obtain a global view.

Agustin Sánchez-Lavega, from the Universidad del País Vasco in Bilbao, Spain, led the research on 3-D wind mapping with data from the first year of VIRTIS observations. “We focused on the clouds and their movement. Tracking them for long periods of time gives us a precise idea of the speed of the winds that make the clouds move and of the variation in the winds,” he said.

The spacecraft has the ability to peer through Venus’s thick atmospheric layers and obtain a truly global picture. The scientists tracked three atmospheric layers and followed the movement of hundreds of clouds in each layer.

In total, the team tracked 625 clouds at about 66 km altitude, 662 at around 61 km altitude, and 932 at about 45-47 km altitude, on the day and night sides of the planet. The individual cloud layers were imaged over several months for about 1-2 hours each time.

“We have learnt that between the equator and 50-55˚ latitude south, the speed of the winds varies a lot, from about 370 km/h at a height of 66 km down to about 210 km/h at 45-47 km”, said Sánchez-Lavega.

“At latitudes higher than 65Ëš, the situation changes dramatically – the huge hurricane-like vortex structure present over the poles takes over. All cloud levels are pushed on average by winds of the same speed, independently of the height, and their speed drops to almost zero at the centre of the vortex.”

Layers of Venus' winds.  Credits: R. Hueso (Universidad del País Vasco)
Layers of Venus' winds. Credits: R. Hueso (Universidad del País Vasco)

Sánchez-Lavega and colleagues observed that the speed of the zonal winds (which blow parallel to the lines of latitude) strongly depend on the local time. The difference in the Sun’s heat reaching Venus in the mornings and in the evenings – called the solar tide effect – influences the atmospheric dynamics greatly, making winds blow more strongly in the evenings.

Most unusual was the finding that, on average, the winds regain their original speeds every five days. But the mechanism that produces this periodicity needs further investigation. VIRTIS will continue its observations in an effort to understand the mechanism, as well as getting more precise readings on the variability of the Venusian winds.

Source: ESA

Where In the Universe Challenge #21

Here’s this week’s image for the “Where In The Universe” challenge. Take a look at the image above and guess where in our universe this image was taken. Extra points if you can name the spacecraft responsible for the image as well. No peeking below before you make your guess. Ready? You may begin….

This is an image of Earth’s Moon, taken by the Japanese Kaguya spacecraft, currently in orbit of the Moon. Interestingly, this image shows the Apollo 17 landing site at the Taurus-Littrow Valley, located on the southeastern rim of Mare Serenitatis. A flat valley is surrounded by mountains which were made of ejecta rocks from the when this “sea” was created by an asteroid impact. Since Kaguya is in a polar orbit of the moon, this image looks down from the south to the north. The spacecraft’s Terrain Camera was used to create this 3-D-like image.

See more images from Kaguya here. There’s quite a bit of information included with each image. The resolution isn’t high enough to see any features from the Apollo spacecraft, however the red circle in the Terrain Camera image below encircles the potential “halo” by Apollo 17 lunar module “Challenger” engine exhaust plume.

Possible Apollo 17 halo of exhaust.  Credit:  Kaguya
Possible Apollo 17 halo of exhaust. Credit: Kaguya

How did you do?

Super-massive and Small Black Holes Both Suck

Artist's impression of material falling into a super-massive black hole together with the average shape of the periodic X-ray signal from REJ1034+396. Credit: Aurore Simonnet, Sonoma State University


Sorry, couldn’t resist that title. Astronomers studying black holes are able to “see” them due to the fact that the gas getting sucked in gets extremely hot and emits X-rays. These X-ray pulses are commonly seen among smaller black holes, but until now, had not been detected from super-massive black holes. But astronomers using the XMM Newton X-ray satellite have discovered a strong X-ray pulse emitting from a giant black hole in a galaxy 500 million light years from Earth, created by gas being sucked in by gravity. “Scientists have been looking for such behaviour for the past 20 years and our discovery helps us begin to understand more about the activity around such black holes as they grow,” said Dr. Marek Gierlinski from Durham University. Gierlinski and his colleagues say this finding is the “missing link” between small and super-massive black holes.

The astronomers were looking at the center of the galaxy REJ1034+396 galaxy and found that X-rays are being emitted as a regular signal from the super-massive black hole. They say the frequency of the pulse is related to the size of the black hole. “Such signals are a well known feature of smaller black holes in our Galaxy when gas is pulled from a companion star,” said Gierlinski. “The really interesting thing is that we have now established a link between these light-weight black holes and those millions of times as heavy as our Sun.”

The scientists hope future research will tell them why some super-massive black holes show this behavior while others do not. Most galaxies, including the Milky Way, are believed to contain super-massive black holes at their centers.

The researchers, who publish their findings in the journal Nature on September 18, say their discovery will increase the understanding of how gas behaves before falling on to a black hole as it feeds and develops.

Source: Durham University

Phoenix Lander Working Hard Before Summer’s End on Mars

The Phoenix Mars Lander is working as fast as it can to dig and deliver as many samples as possible before the power produced by Phoenix’s solar panels declines due to the end of the Martian summer. This image, from Sol 107 (Sept. 12 here on Earth), shows the lander has delivered a sample of soil from the “Snow White” trench to the Wet Chemistry Laboratory. A small pile of soil is visible on the lower edge of the second cell from the top. This deck-mounted lab is part of Phoenix’s Microscopy, Electrochemistry and Conductivity Analyzer (MECA).

The Wet Chemistry Laboratory mixes Martian soil with an water-based solution from Earth as part of a process to identify soluble nutrients and other chemicals in the soil. Preliminary analysis of this soil confirms that it is alkaline, and composed of salts and other chemicals such as perchlorate, sodium, magnesium, chloride and potassium. This data validates prior results from that same location, said Michael Hecht of NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, Calif., the lead scientist for MECA.

In the coming days, the Phoenix team will also fill the final four of eight single-use ovens on another soil-analysis instrument, the Thermal and Evolved Gas Analyzer, or TEGA.

Source: Phoenix news site

Hubble NICMOS Instrument Experiences Anomaly



A cooling system for the Near Infrared Camera and Multi-Object Spectrometer (NICMOS) science instrument aboard the Hubble telescope experienced an anomaly during a restart, causing the instrument to go into safe mode. After a couple of additional restarts, the problem still persists, and a decision was made for NICMOS to “stand down” while engineers study the anomaly and allow the cooling system to warm up, which may take a couple of weeks. In the short term, this will affect planned science observations, and engineers are hoping to avoid any long term complications. At this point, if the problem cannot be fixed from the ground, it is unclear how it might affect the upcoming servicing mission, scheduled for an Oct. 10 launch.

New software was uploaded last week to the computer that controls Hubble’s five science instruments to get the telescope ready for the upcoming servicing mission (SM4). Installation of the software requires putting all of the telescope’s science instruments into safe mode configuration for a short period of time.

About six hours after the system was reactivated, at about 4 a.m. EDT on Sept. 11, the NICMOS anomaly was seen. The cooling system put itself into safe mode after seeing too high a speed in the circulator pump operation. After studying data, flight controllers modified operating protection parameters and attempted a restart of the system on Sunday, Sept. 14. The circulator system again indicated a high speed violation so the system was returned to safe mode.

Engineers believe the ice particles in the cooling loop could be causing the problem. With some small adjustments in start-up procedures, engineers think the cooling system can be successfully reactivated. The flight team tried another restart Monday evening (9/15). The anomaly was still seen after that restart, so the Hubble Project’s plan now is to stand down from any additional attempts to restart. Engineers will study the anomaly while waiting until the cooling system has been allowed to warm somewhat, which may take several weeks.

The impact to planned NICMOS science operations involves approximately 70 exposures from three guest observer programs and additional exposures from two NICMOS internal calibration programs. Additionally, all NICMOS science has been removed from this week’s observation schedule. Sixty-one orbits of NICMOS science were scheduled for the week between September 15 and September 21.

The servicing mission already has a jam-packed schedule, and its uncertain if any last minute additions to the mission would be possible.

Source: NASA

Do All Galaxies Have Tentacles?

This Hubble Space Telescope image of two spiral galaxies shows an interesting feature on the smaller galaxy. Silhouetted in front of the larger background galaxy is a small galaxy, and tentacles of dust can be seen extending beyond the small galaxy’s disk of starlight. These dark, dusty structures appear to be devoid of stars, almost like barren branches. They are rarely so visible in a galaxy because there is usually nothing behind them but darkness. But here, with the backdrop of the larger galaxy they are illuminated. Astronomers have never seen dust this far beyond the visible edge of a galaxy, and they don’t know if these dusty structures are common features in galaxies.

The background galaxy is 780 million light-years away, but the distance between the two galaxies has not yet been calculated. Astronomers think the two are relatively close, but not close enough to actually interact. The background galaxy is about the size of the Milky Way Galaxy and is about 10 times larger than the foreground galaxy. Understanding a galaxy’s color and how dust affects and dims that color are crucial to measuring a galaxy’s true brightness. By knowing the true brightness, astronomers can calculate the galaxy’s distance from Earth.

Most of the stars speckled across this image belong to the nearby spiral galaxy NGC 253, which is out of view to the right. Astronomers used Hubble’s Advanced Camera for Surveys to snap images of NGC 253 when they spied the two galaxies in the background. From ground-based telescopes, the two galaxies look like a single blob. But the Advanced Camera’s sharp “eye” distinguished the blob as two galaxies, cataloged as 2MASX J00482185-2507365. The images were taken on Sept. 19, 2006.

Source: Hubblesite

Our Sun May Have Migrated Over Time

Computer simulation showing the development and evolution of the disk of a galaxy such as the Milky Way. Credit: Rok Roškar


When you stir cream in your coffee or tea, does the swirl stay the same or does it change as it spins in your cup? As galaxies form and swirl, the motions and eddies may actually cause stars to move within the galaxy. A long-standing scientific belief holds that stars tend to hang out in the same general part of a galaxy where they originally formed. But some astrophysicists have recently questioned whether that is true, and now new simulations show that, at least in galaxies similar to our own Milky Way, stars such as the sun can migrate great distances. If this is true, it could change the entire notion that there are parts of galaxies – so-called habitable zones – that are more conducive to supporting life than other areas.

“Our view of the extent of the habitable zone is based in part on the idea that certain chemical elements necessary for life are available in some parts of a galaxy’s disk but not others,” said Rok RoÅ¡kar, a doctoral student in astronomy at the University of Washington. “If stars migrate, then that zone can’t be a stationary place.”

RoÅ¡kar is lead author of a paper describing the findings from the simulations, published in the Sept. 10 edition of the Astrophysical Journal Letters. If the idea of habitable zone doesn’t hold up, it would change scientists’ understanding of just where, and how, life could evolve in a galaxy, he said.

Using more than 100,000 hours of computer time on a UW computer cluster and a supercomputer at the University of Texas, the scientists ran simulations of the formation and evolution of a galaxy disk from material that had swirled together 4 billion years after the big bang. Watch a simulation video.

The simulations begin with conditions about 9 billion years ago, after material for the disk of our galaxy had largely come together but the actual disk formation had not yet started. The scientists set basic parameters to mimic the development of the Milky Way to that point, but then let the simulated galaxy evolve on its own.

If a star, during its orbit around the center of the galaxy, is intercepted by a spiral arm of the galaxy, scientists previously assumed the star’s orbit would become more erratic in the same way that a car’s wheel might become wobbly after it hits a pothole.

However, in the new simulations the orbits of some stars might get larger or smaller but still remain very circular after hitting the massive spiral wave. Our sun has a nearly circular orbit, so the findings mean that when it formed 4.59 billion years ago (about 50 million years before the Earth), it could have been either nearer to or farther from the center of the galaxy, rather than halfway toward the outer edge where it is now.

Migrating stars also help explain a long-standing problem in the chemical mix of stars in the neighborhood of our solar system, which has long been known to be more mixed and diluted than would be expected if stars spent their entire lives where they were born. By bringing in stars from very different starting locations, the sun’s neighborhood has become a more diverse and interesting place, the researchers said.

The findings are based on a few runs of the simulations, but the scientists plan to run a range of simulations with varying physical properties to generate different kinds of galactic disks, and then determine whether stars show similar ability to migrate large distances within different types of disk galaxies.

Source: University of Washington