Soufriere Hills

15 years ago

[/caption] The Soufriere Hills volcano is an active complex stratovolcano on the Caribbean island of Montserrat. It was dormant for…

NASA Creates a New NEBULA: Cloud Computing Project

15 years ago

[/caption] NASA has developed a new cloud computing project based on open source components that provides high capacity computing, storage,…

No Nature VS. Nurture for Stars

15 years ago

[/caption] Stars don't seem to mind where they grow up. Either in a nice quiet neighborhood or in the hellish…

Rincon De La Vieja

15 years ago

[/caption] Rincon de la Vieja is an active andesitic complex volcano in Costa Rica, located about 25 km from the…

Mars Rover’s Underbelly Panorama

15 years ago

[/caption] The Spirit rover has now taken two sets of close-up images showing the ground where it has been stuck…

How Magnetic Tornadoes Might Regenerate Mercury’s Atmosphere

15 years ago

[/caption] Compared to Earth, Mercury doesn't have much of an atmosphere.  The smallest rocky planet has weak surface gravity, only…

This Week’s Where In The Universe Challenge

15 years ago

It’s time once again for another Where In The Universe Challenge. Test your visual knowledge of the cosmos by naming…

Fermi Finds a New Class of Super Particle Accelerator Galaxies

15 years ago

[/caption] The Fermi Gamma-ray Telescope has found a new class of active galaxies with some of the fastest particles jets…

Mount Mazama

15 years ago

[/caption] It's not a mountain any more, but geologists refer to Mount Mazama as a peak in Oregon that used…

Mount Mayon

15 years ago

[/caption] Mount Mayon, also known as the Mayon Volcano is an active stratovolcano on the island of Luzon in the…