Happy Valentines Day from everyone here at Universe Today, and the Moon, too. In 3-D, no less.
Thanks to Nathanial Burton-Bradford for sending us this image. He found it while searching through the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Camera’s data set. Check out Nathanial’s Flickr page for larger versions of this one, and more. See the image below in its proper orientation for viewing in 3-D:

Aw. Happy V-Day to you too from everyone at Lights in the Dark. (Um…that would be just me. 🙂 ) Less-than-three you guys too.
Whoa – this is great.
Happy Valentine’s right back
to the moon.
Thank you for this reveal of an obvious alien artifact, long suppressed by NASA!! That small dimple in the middle is obviously where they have set up the gateway to the wormhole that will get us to their Trantor-equivalent galactic centre, so that we can join the Alliance of Milky-Way Intelligences. I can’t wait.
It is such an obvious invitation.
Stunningly lovely anaglyph by Nathanial, but His original has been rotated through 90 degrees by UT! Do I need to point out that anaglyphs don’t work that way? The red cyan are shifted horizontally NOT vertically. So to see this in 3D you need to tilt your head 90 degrees to the right! *shakes head & tuts*
What are the odds that small central crater should hit where it did? It appears to be where Cupid’s arrow pierced the heart? Happy Birthday Love!
Those of us who were born toward the end of November are quite often actually ‘Valentine’s Babies’~ Prosit!