X-ray astronomy

These Three Neutron Stars Shouldn't Be So Cold

Neutron stars are among the densest objects in the Universe, second only to black holes. Like black holes, neutron stars…

4 weeks ago

Which Stars are Lethal to their Planets?

Many years ago, there was a viral YouTube video called "History of the entire world, i guess," which has been…

1 month ago

New Simulation Explains how Supermassive Black Holes Grew so Quickly

One of the main scientific objectives of next-generation observatories (like the James Webb Space Telescope) has been to observe the…

1 month ago

Stellar Winds Coming From Other Stars Measured for the First Time

An international research team led by the University of Vienna has made a major breakthrough. In a study recently published…

3 months ago

Brightest Gamma-ray Burst Shines Light on Milky Way Structure

The brightest gamma-ray burst ever seen in 2022 still puzzles astronomers.

1 year ago

A Distant Galaxy Ate All of its Friends. Now It’s All Alone

An international team of astronomers discovered a "fossil galaxy" that consume its neighbors, the farthest observed to date!

1 year ago

Hungry Black Hole was Already Feasting 800 Million Years After the Big Bang

Black holes swallow everything—including light—which explains why we can't see them. But we can observe their immediate surroundings and learn…

1 year ago

Chandra’s X-ray Vision Combined With JWST Reveals Even More Details About the Universe

NASA scientist have released images combining the early data from the James Webb Space Telescope with X-ray data taken with…

2 years ago

Astronomers Finally Catch a Nova Detonating on a White Dwarf as it's Happening

On July 7, 2020, the X-ray instrument eROSITA captured an astronomical event that – until then – had only been…

2 years ago

NASA Launches a New X-ray Observatory

A new mission has launched to study some the most intriguing secrets of the universe. No, not THAT spacecraft (JWST…

3 years ago