
The BepiColombo Mission To Mercury is Losing Power

BepiColombo is a joint ESA/JAXA mission to Mercury. It was launched in 2018 on a complex trajectory to the Solar…

4 months ago

Spacecraft Could be Equipped With Tiny Thrusters That Use Water for Propellant

Engineers working with the European Space Agency have developed a new thruster design smaller than the tip of your finger.…

12 months ago

Juno is Afraid to Death of Jupiter’s Shadow. So it Fired its Thruster for Over 10 Hours to Avoid It.

In a death-defying maneuver for the spacecraft, NASA's Juno has completed an unprecedented and unplanned engine burn. The purpose? To…

5 years ago

How Could You Capture an Asteroid?

We can't just go into space with a big butterfly net or catcher's mitt, so how in the world could…

9 years ago