
A Rocket-Powered Spaceplane Completes a Successful Test Flight

Access to space is getting easier and more accessible as more and more platforms are coming online that can significantly…

1 year ago

The X-37B is Back After 908 Days in Orbit. What was it Doing up There? That's Classified

At 5:22 AM Eastern Time on November 12, the Space Force’s (and Air Force’s) X-37B spaceplane landed back on Earth…

2 years ago

China’s New Reusable Spaceplane Lands After 2 Days in Space

China's mysterious reusable spaceplane recently launched and has returned to Earth after spending two days in space.

4 years ago

NASA’s Next-Generation Spaceplane Passes Free Flight Test

NASA's next-generation spaceplane - the Dream Chaser - recently passed a flight test, which consisted of a glide test and…

7 years ago

X-37B Secret Air Force Spaceplane Blasts Off on SpaceX Falcon 9 as Monster Hurricane Irma Threatens Florida Peninsula

KENNEDY SPACE CENTER, FL – Amidst the frenzy of ‘Sunshine State’ preparations for Cat 5 monster Hurricane Irma and quite…

7 years ago

Super Secret X-37B Nears One Year In Orbit Doing ???

After nearly a year in orbit, speculation still abounds as to the X-37B spacecraft's true purpose, and what its been…

8 years ago

Air Force X-37B Spaceplane Launches on May 20 with Military, NASA and LightSail Payloads: Watch Live

Fourth flight of the secretive U.S. Air Force X-37B Orbital Test Vehicle is set for blastoff on May 20, 2015…

9 years ago

Flying Sky Car: The Skylon Explainer Inspired by xkcd

Just about everyone can claim to being inspired by the xkcd webcomic -- or at least enjoying a shared nerd…

9 years ago