Space Weather

Solar Flares and Solar Magnetic Reconnection Get New Spotlight in Two Blazing Studies

Two recent studies published in The Astrophysical Journal discuss findings regarding solar flare properties and a new classification index and…

2 weeks ago

Solar Max is Coming. The Sun Just Released Three X-Class Flares

The Sun is increasing its intensity on schedule, continuing its approach to solar maximum. In just over a 24-hour period…

3 months ago

Parker Solar Probe Was Blasted by Coronal Mass Ejections 28 Times in 4 Years

NASA’s Parker Solar Probe (PSP) was launched on August 12, 2018, with the goal of becoming the first spacecraft to…

4 months ago

Solar Storms Could Cause Mayhem to Trains

The rail service here in the UK is often the brunt of jokes. If it’s not the wrong type of…

8 months ago

Earth’s Past and Future Habitability Depends on Our Protection from Space Weather

A bewildering number of factors and variables led up to the planet we occupy today, where life finds a way…

9 months ago

These New Computer Simulations of the Sun are Hypnotic

It's almost impossible to over-emphasize the primal, raging, natural power of a star. Our Sun may appear benign in simple…

1 year ago

133 Days of the Sun’s Glory

NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center has released an hour-long time-lapse video that shows 133 days of the Sun's life. The…

2 years ago

The Sun Could Hurl Powerful Storms at Earth From its Goofy Smile

Our Sun is the very reason we’re alive. It provides warmth and the energy our planet needs to keep going.…

2 years ago

During a Solar Flare, Dark Voids Move Down Towards the Sun. Now We Know Why

Solar flares are complex phenomena. They involve plasma, electromagnetic radiation across all wavelengths, activity in the Sun's atmosphere layers, and…

2 years ago

What Would Raindrops be Like on Other Worlds?

Precipitation is much more widespread throughout that solar system than commonly assumed.  Obviously it rains water on Earth.  But it…

3 years ago