Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO)

Solar Orbiter Continues to Get Closer to the Sun, Revealing More and More With Each Pass

On April 10th, ESA's Solar Orbiter made its closest flyby of the Sun, coming to within just 29% of the…

1 year ago

Images From Three Telescopes Merged Into One Spectacular Picture of the Sun

You’ve probably never seen our Sun look like this before. This bizarre image of old Sol is made from data…

2 years ago

Astronomers See Flashes on the Sun That Could be a Sign of an Upcoming Flare

Using data from the Solar Dynamics Observatory, scientists have discovered new clues that could help predict when and where the…

2 years ago

133 Days of the Sun’s Glory

NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center has released an hour-long time-lapse video that shows 133 days of the Sun's life. The…

2 years ago

New Solar Model Successfully Predicted Seven of the Sun’s Last Nine Big Flares

Since it launched in 2010, the Solar Dynamics Observatory has helped scientists understand how the Sun's magnetic field is generated…

4 years ago

Time-Lapse Video Reveals 10 Years of the Sun’s Life Crushed into One Stellar Hour

I forget the Sun is a star. I think we all do sometimes. It’s easy to take for granted. The…

4 years ago

Satellites Watched Mercury’s Transit From Space, Confirming That Yes, the Sun Has At Least One Planet

Do you wonder how astronomers find all those exoplanets orbiting stars in distant solar systems? Mostly they use the transit…

5 years ago

X-Rays Are Coming From The Dark Side of Venus

A new study takes a look at observational evidence obtained about Venus during its 2012 transit of the Sun, which…

8 years ago

Watch Mercury Transit the Sun in Multiple Wavelengths

No one had a better view of the transit of Mercury across the Sun than the space-based Solar Dynamics Observatory,…

8 years ago

A Mesmerizing Look at Year 4 of the Solar Dynamics Observatory

Four years ago today, the Solar Dynamics Observatory embarked on a five-year mission to boldly go where no Sun-observing satellite…

11 years ago