
Juno Measures How Much Oxygen is Being Produced by Europa

If the periodic table listed the elements in order of their importance to life, then oxygen might bully its way…

5 months ago

Mars has the Right Conditions for Life Just Under the Surface

According to the immortal words of Ian Malcom (Jeff Goldblum) “Life..uh...finds a way”.  Back in 2005, an article in Nature…

3 years ago

Microbes Found That Survive on the by-Products of Radioactive Decay

An oceanic research team recently demonstrated that one of the largest ecosystem on Earth thrives on the radioactive decay of…

3 years ago

How Do We Terraform Saturn’s Moons?

Within the Saturn system, there are many moons which could present the opportunity terraforming. But to do so presents many…

8 years ago

How Do We Terraform Jupiter’s Moons?

Jupiter's four largest moons - the Galileans - have long been considered as possible sites for human habitation, and even…

8 years ago