Open Cluster

The Nearby Star Clusters Come from Only Three Places

Many astronomy-interested people know of the Hyades and the Pleiades. They're star clusters in the Taurus constellation. They're two out…

3 months ago

How Many Stars Formed Together With the Sun in Our Stellar Nebula?

Even though our Sun is now a solitary star, it still has siblings somewhere in the Milky Way. Stars form…

2 years ago

Hubble Spots Two Open Clusters. One is Also an Emission Nebula

Open star clusters are groups of stars in loosely-bound gravitational associations. The stars are further apart than the stars in…

2 years ago

Messier 26 – The NGC 6694 Open Star Cluster

Located in the direction of the Scutum Constellation, about 5,000 light years from Earth, is the open star cluster known…

8 years ago

Messier 11 (M11) – The Wild Duck Cluster

Welcome back to another edition of Messier Monday! Today, we continue in our tribute to Tammy Plotner with a look…

8 years ago

Dazzling New Views of a Familiar Cluster

Wow. It’s always amazing to get new views of familiar sky targets. And you always know that a “feast for…

11 years ago

Two “b”‘s in the Beehive

Praesepe (aka. the Beehive Cluster) As astronomers near the 800 mark for confirmed extra solar planets, it seems that notable…

12 years ago