Oort cloud

There Could Be Captured Planets in the Oort Cloud

The early Solar System was a turbulent and chaotic place with icy material hurled far from the Sun, becoming the…

1 year ago

The Oort Cloud Could Have More Rock Than Previously Believed

The Oort Cloud is a collection of icy objects in the furthest reaches of the Solar System. It contains the…

2 years ago

Researchers Simulate the Formation of the Oort Cloud

There is a cloud of debris surrounding our solar system. It's known as the Oort cloud, and it is the…

3 years ago

In 1.3 Million Years, a Star Will Come Within 24 Light-Days of the Sun

Using data from the Gaia Observatory, a team of Russian scientists have concluded that a star will make a close…

3 years ago

The Sun Might Have Once Had a Binary Companion Star

A new study from the Harvard Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics has bolstered the case for our Sun having a long-lost…

4 years ago

Oort Clouds Around Other Stars Should be Visible in the Cosmic Microwave Background

A new study by a team from the University of Pennsylvania suggests using maps of the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB)…

6 years ago

Now We Know When Stars Will Be Passing Through the Oort Cloud

Based on data provided by the Gaia mission, a new study has indicated when close encounters will take place between…

7 years ago

Colonizing the Outer Solar System

This episode continues our team up with Fraser Cain to look at Colonizing the Solar System, we move from the…

8 years ago

Does Our Galaxy Have a Habitable Zone?

It’s not just our Solar System that has a habitable zone, it turns out our entire galaxy has regions which…

8 years ago

Planet 9 Search Turning Up Wealth Of New Objects

In 2014, Scott Sheppard of the Carnegie Institution for Science and Chadwick Trujillo of Northern Arizona University proposed an interesting…

8 years ago