
NOvA Experiment Nabs Its First Neutrinos

Neutrinos are some of the most abundant, curious, and elusive critters in particle physics. Incredibly lightweight -- nigh massless, according…

11 years ago

Polar Telescope Casts New Light On Dark Energy And Neutrino Mass

[/caption] Located at the southermost point on Earth, the 280-ton, 10-meter-wide South Pole Telescope has helped astronomers unravel the nature…

13 years ago

Underwater Neutrino Detector Will Be Second-Largest Structure Ever Built

[/caption] The hunt for elusive neutrinos will soon get its largest and most powerful tool yet: the enormous KM3NeT telescope,…

13 years ago

Breaking the Speed of Light

[/caption] It's been a tenet of the standard model of physics for over a century. The speed of light is…

13 years ago

Cosmologists Provide Closest Measure of Elusive Neutrino

[/caption] Cosmologists – and not particle physicists -- could be the ones who finally measure the mass of the elusive…

15 years ago


[/caption] The antineutrino (or anti-neutrino) is a lepton, an antimatter particle, the counterpart to the neutrino. Actually, there are three…

15 years ago

What are WIMPs?

WIMPs are Weakly Interacting Massive Particles, hypothetical particles which may be the main (or only) component of Dark Matter, a…

15 years ago

Supernova 1987A

[/caption] The first supernova in 1987 (that's what the "A" means) was the brightest supernova in several centuries (and the…

15 years ago