Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope

Research Work Begins on the Habitable Worlds Observatory

NASA are planning on building a telescope to hunt for habitable worlds. The imaginatively named ‘Habitable Worlds Observatory’ is at…

3 months ago

Roman Space Telescope Will Be Hunting For Primordial Black Holes

When astrophysicists observe the cosmos, they see different types of black holes. They range from gargantuan supermassive black holes with…

4 months ago

Roman Will Learn the Ages of Hundreds of Thousands of Stars

Astronomers routinely provide the ages of the stars they study. But the methods of measuring ages aren't 100% accurate. Measuring…

5 months ago

Nancy Grace Roman will Map the Far Side of the Milky Way

The Galaxy is a collection of stars, planets, gas clouds and to the dismay of astronomers, dust clouds. The dust…

6 months ago

Roman Could Finally Tell Us if Primordial Black Holes Exist

When the Universe erupted into existence with the Big Bang, all of its matter was compressed into a tiny area.…

10 months ago

How Can We Bring Down the Costs of Large Space Telescopes?

We're all basking in the success of the James Webb Space Telescope. It's fulfilling its promise as our most powerful…

12 months ago

If Rogue Planets are Everywhere, How Could We Explore Them?

A new study estimates there could be hundreds of rogue planets nearby that we could explore for signs of extraterrestrial…

1 year ago

ESA's Euclid Mission is Off to Explore the Dark Universe

The Euclid space telescope, the ESA's next-generation astrophysics mission, was successfully launched to space!

1 year ago

Two New Space Telescopes Will Bring Dark Energy Into Focus

The ESA's Euclid and NASA's Nancy Grace Roman space telescope will work together to resolve the mystery of cosmic expansion!

1 year ago

A Rogue Earth and Neptune Might Have Been Found in Older Data

Scientists have found what appear to be rogue planets hidden in old survey data. Their results are starting to define…

1 year ago