meteor storm

A 2018 Outburst From the December Andromedids?

A relatively obscure meteor shower may put on a surprise performance in early December 2018. Chances are, you've never heard…

6 years ago

When Good Showers Turn Bad: The 2016 Leonids

The Leonid meteors are expected to peak on the night of Thursday, November 17th into the morning of Friday, November…

8 years ago

A Halloween Season ‘Taurid Meteor Swarm’ on Tap for 2015?

Asteroid 2015 TB145 isn’t the only cosmic visitor paying our planet a trick-or-treat visit over the coming week. With any…

9 years ago

The Draconid Meteor Shower – A Storm is Coming!

[/caption] The Draconids are coming! Will this meteor shower produce a storm of observable meteors, or just a minor squall?…

13 years ago