Martian atmosphere

A New View of Olympus Mons

After 100,000 orbits and almost 23 years on Mars, NASA's Mars Odyssey orbiter has seen a lot. The spacecraft was…

3 weeks ago

Odyssey Gives Us a Cool New View of Mars

Chances are that you've seen images of Earth from space, thanks to the astronauts aboard the International Space Station (ISS),…

8 months ago

Martian Green Nightglow Seen for the First Time

The ESA's ExoMars mission just observed nightglow in Mars' atmosphere, a phenomenon that also happens on Earth.

8 months ago

This Sure Looks Like the Movements of a Glacier Across Ancient Mars

An image taken by the HiRISE camera aboard NASA's MRO shows evidence of past glaciers away from Mars' polar regions.

11 months ago

Life Probably Didn't Have a Hand in Creating Organic Deposits on the Surface of Mars

Using data from the ESA's Trace Gas Orbiter (TGO), new research shows that organic material on Mars may not be…

1 year ago

Perseverance Sees Drifting Clouds on Mars

NASA’s Perseverance rover mission provided a bluish pre-sunrise gift above Jezero Crater on March 18, 2022, aka Sol 738, or…

1 year ago

Early Life on Mars Might Have Wiped Out Life on Mars

Life might have wiped itself out on early Mars. That's not as absurd as it sounds; that's sort of what…

2 years ago

Perseverance Seen From Space by ESA’s ExoMars Orbiter

The ESA's Trace Gas Orbiter (part of the ExoMars 2020 mission) has revealed images of the Perseverance rover and where…

3 years ago

There’s Evidence That Mars Once Had an Atmosphere With Less Oxygen. A Possible Biosignature For Life?

Remote sensing is only useful if scientists have an idea of what they are looking at.  That knowledge is especially…

3 years ago

Mars Doesn’t Have Much of a Magnetosphere, But Here’s a Map

Even though Earthling scientists are studying Mars intently, it's still a mysterious place. One of the striking things about Mars…

4 years ago