main sequence

What Happens to Solar Systems When Stars Become White Dwarfs?

In a couple billion years, our Sun will be unrecognizable. It will swell up and become a red giant, then…

10 months ago

Dying Stars Could Have Completely New Habitable Zones

Aging stars that become red giants increase their luminosity and can wreak havoc on planets that were once in the…

12 months ago

Betelgeuse is Almost 50% Brighter Than Normal. What’s Going On?

Whenever something happens with Betelgeuse, speculations about it exploding as a supernova proliferate. It would be cool if it did.…

2 years ago

Planet Found in the Habitable Zone of a White Dwarf

Most stars will end their lives as white dwarfs. White dwarfs are the remnant cores of once-luminous stars like our…

3 years ago

Giant Stars and the Ultimate Fate of the Sun

Astronomers have a new tool to help them understand giant stars. It's a detailed study of the precise temperatures and…

3 years ago

Rocky Planets Orbiting White Dwarf Stars Could be the Perfect Places to Search for Life

Some very powerful telescopes will see first light in the near future. One of them is the long-awaited James Webb…

5 years ago

Friendly Giants Have Cozy Habitable Zones Too

According to a recent study from the Carl Sagan Institute, aging red giant stars could still have habitable zones that…

9 years ago

Living with a Capricious Star: What Drives the Solar Cycle?

You can be thankful that we bask in the glow of a relatively placid star. Currently about halfway along its…

10 years ago

What is the Life Cycle of Stars?

Like all living beings, stars have a life cycle, which consists of birth, a lifespan characterized by growth and change,…

16 years ago

What Are The Different Types of Stars?

Stars come in many different sizes, colors, and types, and understanding where they fit in the grand scheme is important…

16 years ago