Magellan spacecraft

We Now Have a Map of all 85,000 Volcanoes on Venus

A new map created with decades-old radar imagery from NASA's 1990’s Magellan mission shows the locations of a whopping 85,000…

1 year ago

Potentially Active Volcanoes Have Been Found on Venus

Using archival radar images taken in the 1990s by NASA’s Magellan spacecraft, scientists have found evidence of recent active volcanism…

1 year ago

Volcanic Activity on Venus Could Explain Phosphine

Ever since the announcement last September that astronomers found evidence of phosphine in the clouds of Venus, the planet has…

3 years ago

Venus’ Surface Tectonics is More Like Pack ice on Earth

Planets move in mysterious ways.  Or at least their surfaces do.  Earth famously has a system of tectonic plates that…

3 years ago

A Crater on Venus Indicates the Planet Hasn’t Been Volcanic for a Long Time

Venus may not have had Earth-like tectonic plates or volcanism for the last billion years, according to a new study.…

3 years ago

Ancient Terrain on Venus Looks Like it Was Formed Through Volcanism

A new study shows that some of the oldest surface features on Venus (tesserae) were likely formed by volcanic activity

4 years ago

It Looks Like There are Still Active Volcanoes on Venus

Venus' surface is no stranger to volcanoes. Radar images show more than 1,000 volcanic structures on the planet. But for…

4 years ago

How Long is a Day on Venus? Astronomers Make Their Best Measurement Yet

There's a problem with Venus. We don't know how fast it rotates. For a space-faring civilization like ours, that's a…

5 years ago

Lava Flows on Venus Suggest That the Planet Was Never Warm and Wet

A new study on the volcanic highlands of Venus casts doubt on whether or not the planet ever had oceans.

5 years ago

Venus Could Have Supported Life for Billions of Years

A new study by a team of NASA scientists indicates that Venus could have been habitable for billions of years…

5 years ago