lunar lava tubes

The Entrance of a Lunar Lava Tube Mapped from Space

Craters are a familiar sight on the lunar surface and indeed on many of the rocky planets in the Solar…

4 days ago

It’s Time to Study Lunar Lava Tubes. Here’s a Mission That Could Help

The Moon is practically begging to be explored, and the momentum to do so is building. The Artemis Program's effort…

4 months ago

China Showcases its Lunar Exploration Plans

In a recent bootlegged video, China provided a detailed look at their plans for the future of lunar exploration.

9 months ago

Is This a Collapsed Lava Tube on the Moon?

NASA's Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO) captured fascinating images of a feature on the Moon that could be a collapsed lava…

10 months ago

Chinese Astronauts May Build a Base Inside a Lunar Lava Tube

Caves were some of humanity's first shelters. Who knows what our distant ancestors were thinking as they sought refuge there,…

10 months ago

Exploring Lava Tubes on Other Worlds Will Need Rovers That Can Work Together

Planetary exploration, specifically within our own Solar System, has provided a lifetime of scientific knowledge about the many worlds beyond…

1 year ago

We Could Simulate Living in Lunar Lava Tubes in Caves on Earth

Simulation is key to space exploration. Scientists and engineers test as many scenarios as possible before subjecting their projects to…

2 years ago

Lunar Rovers Could be Dropped Into Lava Tubes to Explore Their Depths

Technical challenges abound when doing space exploration.  Some areas are so remote or isolated that engineers need to build a…

2 years ago

The Moon is a Barren and Desolate, but Lunar Caves Could Offer Some Shelter From the Harsh Environment

New research shows that cave and pits on the Moon range considerably in terms of temperature, which is vital knowledge…

3 years ago

One Idea for a Lunar Lava Tube Explorer

Lava tubes on the moon are some of the most interesting, and difficult, places to explore in the solar system. …

3 years ago