lunar exploration

NASA Wants to Learn to Live Off the Land on the Moon

In preparation for the upcoming Artemis missions to the lunar south pole, NASA recently solicited a Request for Information (RFI)…

10 months ago

ESA is Testing a Modular Multipurpose Rover that Could Be a Science Lab or a Tiny Bulldozer

Most rovers have been built for Mars, and each one of them is a complex machine designed with specific goals…

10 months ago

This Moon Rover Wheel Could be 3D Printed on the Moon

When you think about sending missions to the Moon, every single gram counts on launch day. Therefore, it makes sense…

11 months ago

The Darkest Parts of the Moon are Revealed with NASA’s New Camera

While the surface of the Moon has been mapped in incredible detail over the last several decades, one region has…

11 months ago

Did the Moon’s Water Come from Earth?

A recent study published in Nature Astronomy examines how processes within the Earth’s magnetic field could be contributing to the…

11 months ago

As Night Falls, India’s Lunar Lander/Rover Goes to Sleep. Probably Forever

India's Chandrayaan-3 mission delivered its Vikram lander and Pragyan rover to the lunar surface on August 23rd. Now, as the…

12 months ago

China’s Chang’e-7 Will Deploy a Hopper that Jumps into a Crater in Search of Water Ice

Researchers from the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Chinese National Space Administration recently published a study in the journal…

1 year ago

NASA Artemis DIMPLE Instrument Suite to Explore Moon’s Mysterious Volcanic Features

NASA recently selected a new science payload that will travel to the Moon through a series of robotic missions via…

1 year ago

India Launches Chandrayaan-3 to the Moon, Hoping for a Successful Landing

On July 14, 2023, at 2:35 pm Indian Standard Time (5:05 am EST), the Indian Space Resource Organisation (ISRO) successfully…

1 year ago

Volcanic Hotspot Found on the Moon

A recent study published in Nature examines a volcanic hotspot that potentially exists beneath a feature on the Moon’s farside…

1 year ago