Lunar and Planetary Institute

Earth Life Probably Can’t Spread to Mars Today

New research says life from Earth isn't likely to ever survive on Mars, which is good news as far as…

4 years ago

NASA Wants to Send a Low-Cost Mission to Explore Neptune’s Moon Triton

A team of researchers from NASA and the Lunar and Planetary Institute (LPI) recently proposed a low-cost mission to explore…

5 years ago

One of the Oldest Earth Rocks Turned up on the Moon, of all Places

A recent study has determined that the oldest sample of Earth rock ever discovered (~4 billion years old) was actually…

6 years ago

Celebrate International Observe the Moon Night on Saturday, Oct. 8 2016!

This Saturday, October 8, 2016, is International Observe the Moon Night (InOMN), an annual worldwide public event that encourages observation,…

8 years ago

Take A Virtual Reality Tour Of Pluto

Using data provided by the New Horizon's spacecraft, scientists and the New York Times have created app that lets people…

8 years ago

Neptune’s Moon Triton

The planets of the outer Solar System are known for being strange, as are their many moons. This is especially…

9 years ago