kepler space telescope

New Research Indicates the Sun may be More Prone to Flares Than we Thought

This past year saw some significant solar activity. This was especially true during the month of May, which saw more…

2 months ago

You Can't Know the True Size of an Exoplanet Without Knowing its Star's Magnetic Field

In 2011, astronomers with the Wide Angle Search for Planets (WASP) consortium detected a gas giant orbiting very close to…

10 months ago

Astronomers Scanned 12 Planets for Alien Signals While They Were in Front of Their Stars

New research by the SETI Institute and Breakthrough Listen scanned twelve planets for signs of radio signals when they passed…

2 years ago

The Case of the “Missing Exoplanets”

A team of astronomers with the CLEVER Planets project have developed a model that may explain the mystery of the…

2 years ago

TESS has Resumed Normal Operations

NASA has announced that TESS is back online and resumed normal operations!

2 years ago

It's Confirmed. We now Know of More Than 5,000 Exoplanets

There are now more than 5,000 known planets in the universe, and we're just getting started.

3 years ago

An Exoplanet is Definitely Orbiting Two Stars

Remember that iconic scene in Star Wars, where a young Skywalker steps out onto the surface of Tatooine and watches…

3 years ago

Based on Kepler Data, There’s a 95% Chance of an Earth-Like Planet Within 20 Light-Years

Combining data from the retired Kepler mission with the Gaia Observatory, a team of scientists have produced new estimates for…

4 years ago

Machine Learning Algorithm Scoops up 50 New Exoplanets

A machine learning algorithm created by scientists in the UK has confirmed 50 new exoplanets, effectively opening the door to…

4 years ago

An Earth-Sized World Orbiting in its Star’s Habitable Zone Was Found in Older Kepler Data

Searching through archival Kepler data has revealed another exoplanet around Kepler-1649, the most Earth-like exoplanet discovered to date

5 years ago