International Lunar Research Station (ILRS)

China Creates a High-Resolution Atlas of the Moon

Multiple space agencies are looking to send crewed missions to the Moon's southern polar region in this decade and the…

3 months ago

China's Relay Satellite is in Lunar Orbit

On March 20th, China's Queqiao-2 ("Magpie Bridge-2") satellite launched from the Wenchang Space Launch Site LC-2 on the island of…

4 months ago

We've Entered a New Era: The Lunar Anthropocene

For almost half a century, the term "Anthropocene" has been informally used to describe the current geological epoch. The term…

8 months ago

Plants Could Grow in Lunar Regolith Using Bacteria

A team of Chinese researchers has shown how fertility can be boosted for plants grown in lunar soil.

8 months ago

Some Lunar Regolith is Better for Living Off the Land on the Moon

In a recent study, a geology professor developed a classification scheme for lunar regolith that could inform everything from base…

11 months ago

China Reveals Its Lunar Lander Design

China has released artist renditions of the spacecraft and lander module that will send the first taikonauts to the Moon.

11 months ago

Russia's Luna 25 Lander Crashed Into the Moon

On Saturday, Aug. 19th, Russia's Luna-25 spacecraft suffered an engine malfunction and crashed its lunar lander on the Moon's surface.

11 months ago

China Will Use Two Rockets to Put Humans on the Moon

At a recent summit, China revealed new details about its first crewed lunar mission scheduled for 2030, including schematics, graphics,…

1 year ago

If We Can Master Artificial Photosynthesis, We Can Thrive in Space

In a recent study, a team led by the University of Warwick propose a new type of life support system…

1 year ago

Glass Fibers in Lunar Regolith Could Help Build Structures on the Moon

After analyzing the samples returned by Chang'e-5, a team of Chinese scientists found glass fibers that could be used to…

1 year ago