
The Sun Gets Meteor Showers Too, But They’re Very Different

The Sun dominates the Solar System in almost every way imaginable, yet much of its inner workings have been hidden…

2 years ago

The Latest JWST Image Pierces Through a Shrouded Star-Forming Galaxy

Sometimes an image is so engrossing that we can ignore what it's telling us about its subject and just enjoy…

2 years ago

The JWST is the Shiny New Space Telescope, but the Dependable Hubble is Still Going Strong

The Venerable Hubble Space Telescope has cemented its place in history. Some call it the most successful science experiment ever.…

2 years ago

133 Days of the Sun’s Glory

NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center has released an hour-long time-lapse video that shows 133 days of the Sun's life. The…

2 years ago

Here’s M74 Like You’ve Never Seen it Before, Thanks to Judy Schmidt and JWST

The JWST is grabbing headlines and eyeballs as its mission gains momentum. The telescope recently imaged M74 (NGC 628) with…

3 years ago

Hubble Finds a Bunch of Galaxies That Webb Should Check out

The Universe is full of massive galaxies like ours, but astronomers don't fully understand how they grew and evolved. They…

3 years ago

First Images From JWST are Coming on July 12th

We're about to reach a milestone that many thought we would never reach. After years of wrangling, cost overruns, threats…

3 years ago

Just a Few Pixels Would let Astronomers Map Surface Features on an Exoplanet Like Oceans and Deserts

Direct images of exoplanets are rare and lack detail. Future observatories might change that, but for now, exoplanet images don't…

3 years ago

Stunning Image of ISS Taken From the Ground Shows two Spacewalking Astronauts

In our age, we've grown accustomed to pictures of astronauts inside the International Space Station, as they float in zero-G…

3 years ago

These are Star Dunes on Mars, Formed When the Wind Comes From Many Different Directions

Missions to Mars are expensive, even orbiters. They're there to do science, not take pretty pictures. But sometimes Mars' beauty…

3 years ago