Hubble Space Telescope

Mapping the Stars in a Dwarf Galaxy to Reveal its Dark Matter

Dark matter is curious stuff! As the name suggests, it’s dark making it notoriously difficult to study. Although it’s is…

2 weeks ago

Fly Through the Pillars of Creation in this New Visualisation Made from Webb and Hubble Data

I remember April 1995 very well. It was the month that the stunning and iconic image that has been called…

1 month ago

Hubble's Back, but Only Using One Gyro

The Hubble Space Telescope has experienced ongoing problems with one of its three remaining gyroscopes, so NASA has decided to…

1 month ago

Research Work Begins on the Habitable Worlds Observatory

NASA are planning on building a telescope to hunt for habitable worlds. The imaginatively named ‘Habitable Worlds Observatory’ is at…

2 months ago

Hubble Sees a Brand New Triple Star System

In a world that seems to be switching focus from the Hubble Space Telescope to the James Webb Space Telescope,…

2 months ago

The Venerable Hubble Space Telescope Keeps Delivering

The world was much different in 1990 when NASA astronauts removed the Hubble Space Telescope from Space Shuttle Discovery's cargo…

2 months ago

Galaxies Evolved Surprisingly Quickly in the Early Universe

Anyone familiar with astronomy will know that galaxies come in a fairly limited range of shapes, typically; spiral, elliptical, barred-spiral…

3 months ago

Uh oh. Hubble's Having Gyro Problems Again

The Hubble Space Telescope has gone through its share of gyroscopes in its 34-year history in space. Astronauts replaced the…

3 months ago

Brown Dwarf Pairs Drift Apart in Old Age

The only thing worse than drifting through space for an eternity is doing it alone. Observations with the Hubble Space…

4 months ago

Webb Continues to Confirm That Universe is Behaving Strangely

Over a century ago, astronomers Edwin Hubble and Georges Lemaitre independently discovered that the Universe was expanding. Since then, scientists…

4 months ago