Giant Impact Theory

The Giant Planets Migrated Between 60-100 Million Years After the Solar System Formed

Untangling what happened in our Solar System tens or hundreds of millions of years ago is challenging. Millions of objects…

10 months ago

Lunar Rocks Have Earth's Noble Gases Trapped Inside. More Evidence That the Moon Came From the Earth

Piecing together the history of the Solar System from the traces left behind isn’t easy. Bit by bit, however, we’re…

3 years ago

The Early Solar System was Messier and More Violent Than Previously Believed

Our conventional models of planet formation may have to be updated, according to a pair of new papers. Accretion is…

3 years ago

Apollo Rocks Reveal the Moon’s Early History

A new analysis of lunar rock samples has revealed details about its early history, particularly how the Moon's iron core…

4 years ago

The Moon Might Have Formed a Little Later than Originally Believed

A new study indicates that the Moon is actually younger than we thought, and wasn't finished forming until the Earth's…

5 years ago

The Moon Might Be More Metal-Rich Than We Thought

A new study shows that the Moon is more metal-rich than previously thought. That has some far-reaching implications for our…

5 years ago

New Study Shows the Earth and Moon are not so Similar After All

A new study shows that Earth and the Moon are not as similar as we thought, which helps resolve a…

5 years ago

The Moon is Older Than Scientists Thought

The most comprehensive and widely-held theory of how the Moon formed is called the 'giant impact hypothesis.' That hypothesis shows…

6 years ago

When the Impact that Created the Moon Happened, the early Earth was still a ball of magma

A new study has illustrated how the impact between a proto-Earth and a Mars-sized object could have led the Moon…

6 years ago

One of the Oldest Earth Rocks Turned up on the Moon, of all Places

A recent study has determined that the oldest sample of Earth rock ever discovered (~4 billion years old) was actually…

6 years ago