galactic evolution

Supermassive Black Holes Got Started From Massive Cosmic Seeds

One longstanding mystery in astronomy is how supermassive black holes got so heavy so early. JWST has shown evidence that…

3 months ago

Galaxies Evolved Surprisingly Quickly in the Early Universe

Anyone familiar with astronomy will know that galaxies come in a fairly limited range of shapes, typically; spiral, elliptical, barred-spiral…

3 months ago

Even Early Galaxies Grew Hand-in-Hand With Their Supermassive Black Holes

Almost every galaxy in the local Universe seems to contain a supermassive black hole. There's a direct relationship between the…

6 months ago

Webb Sees Dozens Of Young Quasars in the First Billion Years of the Universe

One of JWST's big tasks is to help astronomers understand how the early Universe came together, with dwarf galaxies merging…

6 months ago

Gigantic Galaxy Clusters Found Just Before They're Awash in Star Formation

Astronomers have found examples of giant galaxy clusters dozens of times larger than the Milky Way with all the raw…

6 months ago

The Early Universe Was Surprisingly Filled With Spiral Galaxies

The Milky Way is a mature, grand spiral galaxy, and so are many galaxies around us. Astronomers have assumed that…

7 months ago

Supermassive Black Holes Shut Down Star Formation During Cosmic Noon

Using data from Webb's NIRSpec instrument, an international team has confirmed that quasars shut down star formation in galaxies billions…

9 months ago

Polar Ring Galaxies Are Bizarre and Rare. Astronomers Just Found Two More

Many galaxies resemble the Milky Way, with billions of stars organized into a rotating, rotating spiral. There are other irregular…

10 months ago

The Milky Way's Disk is Warped. Is That Because our Dark Matter Halo is Tilted?

Astronomers have measured the Milky Way's shape and found that the disk is warped and not a flat spiral like…

10 months ago

The Early Universe Should Be Awash in Active Galaxies, but JWST Isn't Finding Them

Astronomers have found supermassive black holes in the centers of most galaxies. To get the black holes we see today,…

11 months ago