eROSITA All-Sky Survey Takes the Local Hot Bubble’s Temperature

About half a century ago, astronomers theorized that the Solar System is situated in a low-density hot gas environment. This…

3 months ago

Hungry Black Hole was Already Feasting 800 Million Years After the Big Bang

Black holes swallow everything—including light—which explains why we can't see them. But we can observe their immediate surroundings and learn…

2 years ago

Astronomers Finally Catch a Nova Detonating on a White Dwarf as it's Happening

On July 7, 2020, the X-ray instrument eROSITA captured an astronomical event that – until then – had only been…

3 years ago

Germany’s Space Agency Cancels all its Projects With Russia. They Even Turned off an Instrument on a Russian Space Telescope

Germany is flexing its muscles. The German government recently announced a massive increase in military spending to counter Russian military…

3 years ago

An All-Sky X-Ray Survey Finds the Biggest Supernova Remnant Ever Seen

Our sky is missing supernovas. Stars live for millions or billions of years. But given the sheer number of stars…

4 years ago