Early Universe

Early Black Holes were Grazers Rather than Glutonous Eaters

Black holes powering distant quasars in the early Universe grazed on patches of gas or passing galaxies rather than glutting…

12 years ago

Hubble Captures Giant Lensed Galaxy Arc

[/caption] Less than a year ago, the Hubble Space Telescope's Wide Field Camera 3 captured an amazing image - a…

12 years ago

Quadruply Lensed Dwarf Galaxy 12.8 Billion Light Years Away

[/caption] Gravitational lensing is a powerful tool for astronomers that allows them to explore distant galaxies in far more detail…

12 years ago

The Lyman-Alpha Blob That Ate The Universe…

[/caption] It's called a Lyman-alpha blob and it's one of the largest known single objects in the Universe. It first…

13 years ago