Big Bang

Webb Sees Globular Clusters Forming in the Early Universe

Picture the Universe's ancient beginnings. In the vast darkness, light was emitted from a particular galaxy only 460 million years…

4 weeks ago

Dwarf Galaxies Banished the Darkness and Lit Up the Early Universe

During the Universe's Dark Ages, dense primordial gas absorbed and scattered light, prohibiting it from travelling. Only when the first…

5 months ago

New Telescopes to Study the Aftermath of the Big Bang

The NSF just awarded researchers at UChicago to start developing the CMB-S4 experiment, which will map the earliest moments of…

9 months ago

The Big Bang: What is it? Why study it? What happened before? How will it all end?

Approximately 13.8 billion years ago, the greatest event in all of existence occurred that literally created existence itself. This event…

10 months ago

Have We Seen the First Glimpse of Supermassive Dark Stars?

A recent study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS) examines what are known as dark…

1 year ago

Are Black Holes the Source of Dark Energy?

In a series of papers, an international team claims they've found the first observational evidence that supermassive black holes are…

1 year ago

“Early Dark Energy” Could Explain the Crisis in Cosmology

A new study considers how the presence of Early Dark Energy could help resolve one of the biggest cosmological mysteries…

2 years ago

Even a Cyclical Universe Needed to Come From Somewhere

The cyclic universe model proposes a universe with no beginning, but a new study shows it might need a beginning…

2 years ago

The Record for the Farthest Galaxy just got Broken Again, now just 250 million years after the Big Bang

In a recent study submitted to MNRAS, a collaborative research team has utilized the first set of data from the…

2 years ago

These Galaxies are Definitely Living in a Simulation

Studying the universe is hard. Really hard. Like insanely, ridiculously hard. Think of the hardest thing you’ve ever done in…

2 years ago