
Slimmed Down Red Giants Had Their Mass Stolen By a Companion Star

Millions of stars that can grow up to 620 million miles in diameter, known as 'red giants,' exist in our…

3 years ago

Older Stars Rotate Faster Than Expected

Older stars should slow down, but new observations reveal that they have just as much of a spring in their…

4 years ago

TESS is Also Helping Astronomers Study Bizarre Pulsating Stars

NASA's TESS, or Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite has one main job: finding exoplanets. But it's also helping astronomers study a…

5 years ago

A New Way to Measure the Age of the Milky Way

Using data collected by Kepler's K2 observation campaign, an international team of scientists was able to more accurately predict the…

5 years ago

Scientists are Using Artificial Intelligence to See Inside Stars Using Sound Waves

How in the world could you possibly look inside a star? You could break out the scalpels and other tools…

6 years ago

A Protostar’s Age Gleaned Only From Sound Waves

Precisely dating a star can have important consequences for understanding stellar evolution and any circling exoplanets. But it’s one of…

11 years ago

Flicker… A Bright New Method of Measuring Stellar Surface Gravity

A simple, yet elegant method of measuring the surface gravity of a star has just been discovered. These computations are…

11 years ago

Smallest Exoplanet Yet Discovered by ‘Listening’ to a Sun-like Star

Scientists have discovered a new planet orbiting a Sun-like star, and the exoplanet is the smallest yet found in data…

12 years ago

Five Awesome Things You (Probably) Didn’t Know Asteroseismology Could Do

[/caption] Asteroseismology is a relatively new field in astronomy. This branch uses sound waves in stars to explore their nature…

13 years ago