2014 astronomy

Observing Neptune: A Guide to the 2014 Opposition Season

Never seen Neptune? Now is a good time to try, as the outermost ice giant world reaches opposition this weekend…

10 years ago

A Spectacular Dawn Conjunction of Venus and Jupiter Set For August 18th

“What are those two bright stars in the morning sky?” About once a year we can be assured that we’ll…

10 years ago

Observing Challenge: The Moon Brushes Past Venus and Covers Mercury This Week

The summer astronomical action heats up this week, as the waning crescent Moon joins the inner planets at dawn. This…

10 years ago

Get Set For Comet K1 PanSTARRS: A Guide to its Spring Appearance

Get those binoculars ready: an icy interloper from the Oort cloud is about to grace the night sky. The comet…

10 years ago

Watch the Moon Meet Venus in the Dawn this Wednesday

Are you ready for some lunar versus planetary occultation action? One of the best events for 2014 occurs early this Wednesday…

10 years ago

See the Smallest Full Moon of 2014: It’s the “Return of the Mini-Moon”

 Last month, (and last year) we wrote about the visually smallest Full Moon of 2013. Now, in a followup  act, our…

11 years ago

The Quadrantid Meteor Shower-One of the Best Bets for 2014

If there’s one thing we love, it’s a good meteor shower from an obscure and defunct constellation. Never heard of the…

11 years ago