Space Exploration

A Rotating Spacecraft Would Solve So Many Problems in Spaceflight

If you watch astronauts in space then you will know how they seem to float around their spaceship. Spaceships in…

2 months ago

Astronaut Food Will Lose Nutrients on Long-Duration Missions. NASA is Working on a Fix

Astronauts on board the International Space Station are often visited by supply ships from Earth with food among other things.…

3 months ago

Testing a Probe that Could Drill into an Ice World

I remember reading about an audacious mission to endeavour to drill through the surface ice of Europa, drop in a…

4 months ago

Astroscale’s Satellite is Now Chasing Down a Real Piece of Space Debris

Space debris is a thing.. It seems whether we explore the Earth or space we leave rubbish in our wake.…

5 months ago

Japan’s SLIM Lander Finds Power Even Though It’s Face Down

The Moon is a bit of a hot bed for exploration of late.  The Japanese agency JAXA have been getting…

6 months ago

Plants Growing in Space are at Risk from Bacterial Infections

I have spent the last few years thinking, perhaps assuming that astronauts live off dried food, prepackaged and sent from…

6 months ago

Chinese Firm Successfully Tests a New Reusable Booster

The sight of a Falcon-9 rocket landing in an upright orientation is not an unusual sight. It seems that the…

6 months ago

Private Axiom Mission 3 is Off to the Space Station

A few decades ago, the idea of private individuals travelling to the International Space Station was as much science fiction…

6 months ago

Future Mars Helicopters Could Explore Lava Tubes

The exploration of Mars continues, with many nations sending robotic missions to search for evidence of past life and learn…

6 months ago

Spending Time in Space? Maximize Your Health with this Space Salad

Space exploration carries with it many challengs and one of them is eating, or more accurately the provision of food.…

7 months ago