
US Satellite Photographs a South Korean Satellite from Lunar Orbit

In 2009, NASA launched the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO.) Its ongoing mission is to map the lunar surface in detail,…

4 months ago

Hubble Sees a Bridge of Stars Connecting Two Galaxies

The poetic-minded among us like to point out how Nature is a dance. If they're right, then galaxies sometimes form…

6 months ago

Feast Your Eyes on 19 Face-On Spiral Galaxies Seen by Webb

If you're fascinated by Nature, these images of spiral galaxies won't help you escape your fascination. These images show incredible…

6 months ago

This Galaxy Hosted One of the Most Powerful Supernovae Ever Seen

In 2010, an exceptionally luminous supernova exploded in a small galaxy about 150 million light-years away called UGC 5189A. The…

6 months ago

The Youngest Planetary Disks Ever Seen

How long does planet formation take? Maybe not as long as we thought, according to new research. Observations with the…

7 months ago

Juno Makes its Closest Flyby of Io

NASA's Juno spacecraft has been getting closer and closer to Jupiter's volcanic moon Io with each recent orbit. Juno is…

7 months ago

You’ll Need all the Internet to Download the Full Resolution of this New Running Chicken Nebula Image

Over 6,000 light-years from Earth, an open star cluster and its nebula cover a swathe of sky over 270 light-years…

7 months ago

Webb Sees a Supernova Go Off in a Gravitationally Lensed Galaxy – for the Second Time

Nature, in its infinite inventiveness, provides natural astronomical lenses that allow us to see objects beyond the normal reach of…

7 months ago

Psyche Gives Us Its First Images of Space

NASA's Psyche mission began eight weeks ago when it launched from the Kennedy Space Center. While it won't reach its…

8 months ago

China’s Space Station, Seen from Orbit

When the Space Age dawned in 1957, there were only two players: the USA and the USSR. The USA won…

8 months ago