
The Moon has a Solid Core Like the Earth

A new study by a team of French researchers has confirmed that the Moon has a solid inner core.

1 year ago

Not Snowball Earth, More of a Slushball Earth

Our planet hasn't always been the warm, inviting place we know today. At least five times in its history, Earth…

1 year ago

The First Radiation Map of the Skies Over Africa

Astronomers have developed a way to cheaply and easily measure the radiation exposure experienced by airline crews over Africa. (more…)

1 year ago

The Earth has an Even More Inner Core, and it's a Ball of Solid Metal

Based on seismic data from about 200 earthquakes in the past decade, a team of Australian scientists found evidence of…

1 year ago

How are Mars Rocks Getting “Shocked” by Meteorite Impacts?

A new NASA study shows how samples obtained by Perseverance could have been shaped by asteroid impacts when Mars was…

1 year ago

There's a Giant Magma Plume on Mars, Bulging the Surface out Across a Vast Region

Scientists find more evidence that a magma plume could exist beneath Elysium Planitia, proving Mars might still be volcanically active

2 years ago

The Asteroid That Killed the Dinosaurs Also Flooded the World's Coastlines With a Catastrophic Tsunami

New research shows that in addition to killing the dinosaurs, the Chicxulub Impact caused a global tsunami 30,000 more powerful…

2 years ago

The Pacific Ocean Will be Gone in 300 Million Years as the World's Continents Drift and Combine

A new study determined that the world's next supercontinent, "Amasia," will form between two and three hundred million years.

2 years ago

Scientists Have Been Underestimating the Asteroid That Created the Biggest Known Crater on Earth

Ancient impacts played a powerful role in Earth's complex history. On other Solar System bodies like the Moon or Mercury,…

2 years ago

Mars did Have Moving Glaciers, but They Behaved Differently in the Planet's Lower Gravity

New research shows that glaciers on Mars moved very slowly, which could have allowed ancient life there to survive.

2 years ago